Goodwill Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Goodwill Corporate Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Goodwill. The Customer Service of Goodwill is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Goodwill Corporate Office address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Goodwill, Goodwill toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Goodwill such as Goodwill Corporate office, toll free 24 hours phone number of Goodwill Availability, Official working customer service number, Headquarters Office address of Goodwill. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

See also  Kohls Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID

We have given here Goodwill Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Goodwill corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Goodwill Customer Care Support in the given below Goodwill Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main points of Goodwill services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Goodwill Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here Goodwill mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Goodwill, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Goodwill Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-301-530-6500

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Goodwill is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Goodwill Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is that the listed official email address of Goodwill. they supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

See also  Dollar Tree Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID

Goodwill Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Goodwill. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Goodwill Corporate Office Address: 15810 Indianola Dr. Rockville, MD 20855 United States

Goodwill Corporate Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-301-530-6500

Goodwill Corporate Office Fax Number Details: 1-301-530-1516

Goodwill Corporate Office Email Address: NA


Goodwill Social Media Links:

Goodwill Online Resources:

29 thoughts on “Goodwill Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

  1. Tyler Hill

    Our goodwill here are over charging people for items everywhere else they charge by the pound here I seen a used hair brush for $4 something definitely isn’t right and they need looked into it BS for sure

  2. Patricia Hottinger

    I have a concern about Goodwill s policy on donation. I live in Front Royal VA and have bought from Goodwill for years. Monday I purchased a sofa and table and instead of selling my Antique Seafoam leather sectional I donated it to Goodwill thinking it could bring a couple dollars for Goodwill. It did have couple of marker marks, but in excellent shape. It had two recliners in end pieces. I just found out that Joyce didn’t put it out, She trashed it. I was sending a friend to buy from Goodwill .he was willing to spend 400$ on it.
    I’m rather hurt and disgusted she would do this considering some of the pieces of furniture she has put on the floor.
    There are several women in that store that can be a better manager of merchandise, and definitely a better representative of Goodwills policy and standard.
    Shame on her!

  3. Judy A Bell

    I work at Goodwill. Do not use computer programs very well due to severe dyslexia. Boss won’t help with the computer training for it. Because of that i got wrote up for missing time for denture work. I did not know when I applied there was going to have to have computer skills to do my looking at time card and such. I am totally lost in this. Will someone help me out please or I will have to quit this job I love due to this. I need family vacation time.

  4. Tanya R

    I am not happy with the store in my town. I am in the store and let the clerk know that I would like to purchase a dresser they have and she informs me that I have to purchase it up front. I let her know that I’m not finished shopping and she tells me, “I’m sorry then I can’t stop it from being bought out from under you”. WHAT !!! This is how you treat your customers? So you would rather sale me one item than let me finish shopping. Do Better Goodwill Do better!!

  5. Marilyn Josephson

    I just came from the Goodwill store at Lake Hallie, Wi. We entered the store at 7:20 in the evening. I, after working a 12-hour day, just wanted to check and see what I might like and grab quickly.
    A lady by the name of Amy came up to a deaf lady who was probably 75. This Amy started clapping her hand at this elderly woman and snapping her fingers yelling at her to get going. It was 20 to 8. The elderly woman turned around and was sign languages explaining she couldn’t hear her. This Amy kept on yelling to get out. My daughter says the and said to Amy, the store manager, cant you see she is deaf.
    This Amy them started in on my daughter saying if she didn’t like it she didn’t have to shop there.
    I have spent well over a thousand dollars in that store alone this year
    This Amy character was verbally abusive screaming and stomping in a challenging manner St my daughter as if she was going to hit her.
    This woman was the worst example of a manager i have ever seen.
    To make a long story shorter, the verbal abuse and horrid example of a worker in a store, she should be fired or sued.

    I have a heart condition. I felt faint and had to use the cart to support myself. This woman was the worst example there could ever be in a Goodwill store.
    We proceeded to take our items up front and this Amy went in the back room and didn’t even help the poor girl who had 6 people in line waiting to check out. She said she was in a hurry to get home to her family
    She shouldn’t take the job if she cant work the hours.
    Appalled and disgusted with the whole situation. What an example for a manager to show the other shoppers and employees.

  6. Dawn M Digan

    Done with GW…Huge GW Shopper, love searching for treasure. Now the prices have soared and the personnel is rude on most days. I tried online, they are up-charging on the shipping to make money. As a disabled person on a fixed income, sometimes a bill comes in that is unexpected. I have had items that I bid on that I couldn’t pay for, typically I ask for an extension to pay, last time I was denied that request. They have now closed my account and flagged my ID number so I can no longer shop. I sent an email and received the rudest reply. These people just don’t get it. they are so rude and treat the handicapped like garbage. Actually, it’s not just the handicapped, it seems to be everyone. I guess when they find their business with no donations and a lower income, maybe they might consider their practices. Oh, and if you are going to reply to me, at least use proper grammar and spelling.

  7. Tim Gibson

    People are allowed to stand in the back where merchandise comes out not only blocking the path but snatching up the best items before they make it to the floor. This happens at the Wesley Chapel, Florida location and is a major reason I haven’t been here in months. Never had this problem at the Salvation Army.

  8. Dawn Love

    how does a store run without a manager or anybody in charge just left your goodwill location on Union Rd., Cheektowaga, NY asked for a price and had a question and the lady at the cashier said there was nobody that could answer my question, nor give me a price and the manager was not in store and nobody else was in charge. Four- five people in store but nobody in charge to help customers, big mistake
    you lost a big sale because nobody could help me

    1. Jeanette

      I hear ya! I am in Idaho and the prices are so high you may as well go to a department store. They had cereal bowls for 1.50 used when you can but them from the 1.25 store new. They wonder why they have warehouses full of crap. They need to quit acting like the stuff wasnt donated. The greed is real!

  9. Sara Larson

    Why does goodwill mark things so high I found a item that can be bought from dollar tree for $1.25 goodwill was selling it for $3.99 really what a freaking rip off I understand that the money does not help the people but line the pockets of there ceo. I worked at 2 thrift store plus I’m co owner of one of them we do not mark anything higher then what you can buy at another store. We always check to see what stores sell this item and we mark it lower for our customers. Please sheets put them in a set sell them as a set it is better that way for the customers. They want to buy a set together not separate prices each ridiculous. Get your act toghther I would love to work at our goodwill marking things and testing them and make a bedding set no item should sale higher then what they came from another store.

    1. Shana

      It’s so true. I usually go to buy cut materials to sew with. Prices are outrageous. They pack junco with hood and over price it. I ask the Nandi they can separate the good ones that I need and price it. Answer was no. Buy the pack for $19.99 and donate back the ones you don’t need. Omg. Does money grow on trees. Over priced items. Junco and good all mixed and trying to sell. So many people discuss in stores while debating what to do.
      I wonder how and whom does goodwill chooses to price the items. It seems like they pick people who don’t know what each stuff costs and also it’s second hand (used) why so expensive.
      I am glad that there are social medias pages where people give away things free since they don’t trust food will and the employees anymore. This story is about the goodwill on 164th and millplain Vancouver Washington. Hubby and I went to Idaho, there they have a day in week where they price rocks of clothing for $1, $2and $3. I was surprised to see it. In California they have same system.
      I hope who ever is sitting high and has authority can see into these situations.

      1. Judy

        I’m disappointed that Goodwill decided to remove all dressing rooms from their stores.
        I will not be clothes shopping at Goodwill any longer.
        Your prices are unbelievably high on most things.
        Also if you aren’t there when a shipment comes in the dealers buy up anything in decent shape and your shoppers are left with nothing but poor quality merchandise.
        How does all these things help the low income people who shop you stores?
        Sad you have gotten so far from the purpose of Goodwill. Helping the less fortunate.

  10. Nicolette Ricciardi

    Tucson Arizona, goodwill store on Broadway and Sarnoff, I witnessed a man put a stack of cd’s in his backpack, I went to the manager of the store , a young man, pointed the man to him , he said he does that all the time and let him walk out the store without stopping him! When I questioned why he was not apprehended I was told there was nothing they could do about it! What kind of nonsense is that.???!!
    Well I can tell you I will not donate my items to goodwill if they are allowed to be stolen and I will not shop at goodwill any longer if my money buying donated items is going to a corporate organization that allows theft.

    1. Lauree Carlsen

      Most all thrift stores , and stores, allow this protacal. Employees are normal people like you and I. They cannot be put at risk for injury. Their safety is more important. Though security is hired they are also legally bound by the laws in that state. They do however, help with their presence. It is a rampant problem in America, and now, we have less law enforcement.

  11. Ronda S McAdams

    I recently was at 2 different Goodwills 1 in Weirton WV and the other in Steubenville Ohio. Why are the prices so high? This stuff is donated to them,. Paying 10.00 to 16.00 for a pair of pants that are new is ridiculous 🙄. I will not donated anymore this is crazy, how is it helping anyone

  12. Richard

    A major complaint for store on 2610 Atlantic ave Long Beach
    Tried to donate and two guy in donations refused and said everything was trash as it’s all new and as I said to leave my stuff in truck the younger kid threw my stuff in truck I spoke to manager and she refused to say he threw it and that he put in my hand then she hung up on me I used to work for the industry in San Diego and got me my career but never seen any one to be treated the way I did with disrespect…

    1. Vilma

      I recently had the worst experience ever. I certainly will not be donating to Goodwill ever again. I wrote an email and have still not heard back from anyone.

      Went to donate lots of clothes,shoes, books, and nic nacs such as some electronics, kids Harry Potter stuff still in boxes and brand new. Most was either new or in great condition. I was helping my daughter move and although she hated to part with most of her things, she lives in NYC uptown apartment where space is limited.

      Went in to ask if there was a loading dock but had to double park outside 3rd avenue where it is super busy. Had no help with donations and we had to sort the donations into large blue bins as employees were standing there. As I was bringing a box of nic nacs, security stopped me at the front door and said, what you got there? I said, “Need to ask if they accept Nic Nacs. ” He proceeded to stop me at the door and said, “What are nic nacs?” I figured all donation center employees know what this lingo means. I again said nic nacs because I was rushing to drop off since I am double parked outside and no one is helping me.

      Security said,”I have to see all of it, take it out.” In front of the doorway. I was not only confused by security asking about donations and employees just looking without helping the people trying to give them FREE things for them to make money.

      I took the box and put it back in my car and came back to ask for his name. I wanted to report this incident. He walked away, at first I thought, maybe he is gonna get a card or write his name but as I saw him leaving the front to go to the back door, I asked him if he was going to tell me his name. He said NO! I then told him, he had to, it’s policy of all stores for employees to give their name if a customer asks. He went to the back and slammed the door on me. I came back to the front and asked the employee at the front of the store for his name and she said she didn’t know it. All day working with security and she doesn’t know his name? 🤔 Hmm?

      I asked her name and she said, “Why you want my name?” I proceeded to explain, she is a witness and one that will not tell me his name. So I just walked out but…will NEVER go to Goodwill ever again to donate a single item.

      Worst experience ever. Left and went to St. Francis Thrift store a few miles down and they were so grateful for the donations. What a privilege to give to them!

  13. Anna King

    I have shopped at goodwill at least 3 times a week for about 10 years. I am a reseller and I have no problem shopping at goodwill, I mean if I would have come up with the idea you’re dang right I’d pay myself generously so I don’t fault the CEO for that. However, now I am down to 1 day a week because my gut hurts from laughing at your prices lately. I realize the economy is changing but you are raising prices on items that are used and are still donated for free. It’s getting ridiculous! I can go to a department store and purchase a shirt on clearance rack for 5-10$ and now you are selling used for the same…no logic. I buy mostly vintage so I can compare those prices. I hear customers talk in the stores and I’m hearing the same disappointment.

    1. Lauree Carlsen

      Most all thrift stores , and stores, allow this protacal. Employees are normal people like you and I. They cannot be put at risk for injury. Their safety is more important. Though security is hired they are also legally bound by the laws in that state. They do however, help with their presence. It is a rampant problem in America, and now, we have less law enforcement.

      1. Lauree Carlsen

        Inflation affects every business. Consider what it takes financially to run an organization like this, thousands of employees, medical, retirement….

  14. Karl hovinga

    I will never donate to goodwill again it opened at 9:00 am so I got there at 9:45 am was going to drop off 3 nice big boxes of very nice stuff and the guy came out and said we are not taking anything till 10am that is a bunch of crap the price of gas is so high I told him I wasn’t coming back he said o well to bad so I took the stuff home and thew it into the garbage can the store was on Reynolds Road in Toledo Ohio so everybody knows

  15. Jamie Hill

    A recent event has TOTALLY disgusted me regarding … making me feel this company actually no longer has “GOOD WILL”! … I yesterday saw a wedding photo album up for bid with personal information … out of curiosity, and sadness, was able to research and located family to those people on in connection to that album. I reached out to their “tree” to let them know of the album up for bid of their family members. I also reached out to Goodwill at that facility: Goodwill of the Olympics and Rainier Region. Item ID#138300853, of my find. I got a response from that family member via, sounding like they DID want the album back. Looking at the site, I believe that person had to ACTUALLY BID to get their family picture album heirloom back into their family fold!!!!!! … AND GOODWILL OF OLYMPICS AND RAINIER REGION could not even be bothered to respond to my text to them, to bring their attention to this situation. It is really QUITE SAD AND DISGUSTING that a company professing to do GOOD WILL cannot even be bothered to help a family get their pictures back without paying for them!!!!!! If this is not made right and I am not ever contacted by ANYONE at Goodwill about this situation, you will know this C.N.A. in my medical community will be more than happy to tell this sad Goodwill deed every chance I get. I have no problem giving bad PR when it is earned by a company. … and while I am at it, your new auction web site is horrible and hardly anyone responds to questions anymore … someone in your corporation management has too much time on their hands to fix something that was NOT broken AND to not fix your going downhill auction customer service … AND prices.

  16. Brandon

    Idk if this praise will reach her through the ranks as it should, but Kim M. at store 358 is more than deserving of recognition for her being her. She brings a lot of personality to the operation there and I have visited other local stores and had complete strangers share that they too feel great about “Kim from the store in Hendersonville.” She makes waiting in her line to checkout, worth it. Regardless of the wait, the wife and I want the interaction with her.

  17. imogene yurkovic

    I am a donater and a shopper. Your prices are getting way to high and to many broken things are being put on the shelves.All like items should be same price and stop letting your employees make the pricing as they wish.You have taken everything from the shoppers ( bags, and points how dare you) if things don’t change I will shop at other places and also donate goods to other businesses

  18. Christina Guzzo

    Hi I am emailing you because I am a very upset customer that spends at least $100 a week at Goodwill and I will never go back to the store again. I had bought a metal laundry basket for 9.99 went to the store to return it because it was too big for my bathroom it was like they were telling me that I switched the price when I did not I had the receipt and it was showing that what was on that basket was shoes and was in their own way accusing me of me changing it. They were tell me that the cashier looks at everything that they sale because I do believe that it was put on there by mistake. Also you have to wait in line for at least 15 minutes because only one person is working while the management is sitting in the other room talking with each other. I would really like to talk to somebody on the phone if you can give me a phone number I can call thank you very much.

  19. Francisco

    Hello the same thing is happening in Nogales Arizona outlet store they sale the electric merchandise to an specific men i think this is not right

  20. Shawna Johnson

    Manager in Fort dodge Iowa keeps back items for her mother then takes them to her mom grandmother and aunt without paying for it… buts that’s OK cause store employees get 1st chance, in like rest of business that care for their real life people 1st.. I’ve stop going to your stores all over US because of the store in Fort Dodge IA 50501

  21. Pauline

    We have a horrible manager at the goodwill outlet on kenwood ave in Baltimore Md She has favorite people that sell on eBay and they buy up everything first She allows them to do it. Tells when and what will be put out.
    They have different prices for different people. Someone should look into this !
    I email a few days ago but no one will email or call me back.
    The way the manager acts you would think she owns the place.

    One very disappointed customer.


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