Maytag Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

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Below you can find the Contact details of Maytag Headquarters Address, Corporate Office Phone Number and Mailing address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, Postal Office Address, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Maytag The Customer Service of Maytag is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Maytag Headquarters address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Maytag , Maytag toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Maytag such as Maytag Headquarters, toll free 24 hours phone number of Maytag ,Availability Hours, Official working customer service number, Maytag Corporate Office address. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

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We have given here Maytag Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Maytag corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Maytag Customer Care Support in the given below Maytag Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main benefits of Maytag services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Maytag Headquarters Office Address Details

Whirlpool Corporation
2000 N. M-63 Benton Harbor
United States

You can find here Maytag Headquarters Address, Corporate office address, customer service help number,Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Maytag Headquarters Phone Number

Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-800-344-1274

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Maytag is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Maytag Headquarters Email Address : Email Now

Below is that the listed official email address of Maytag .They supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

See also  Better Business Bureau Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

Maytag Headquarters Office Address and Phone Number

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Maytag is given below. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Maytag Headquarters Phone Number Toll Free: 1-269-923-5000

Maytag Headquarters Address Corporate Office:
Whirlpool Corporation
2000 N. M-63 Benton Harbor
United States

Maytag Fax Number: NA

Maytag Official Website: Click Here

Maytag Social Media Profiles :

Facebook : Post to their Wall

Twitter : Tweet to them

Instagram : Link

We hope that above mentioned information helped you greatly. Please do visit our website regularly for more helpful articles. Please do comment with your suggestions or questions.

9 thoughts on “Maytag Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

  1. reahisi

    the year Indiana gained statehood, the U.S. Congress donated four sections of federal land to establish a permanent seat of state government. Two years later, under the Treaty of St. Mary’s ( , the Delaware relinquished title to their tribal lands in central Indiana, agreeing to leave the area maytag PHONE NUMBER +1 (805)-3O1 7O42

  2. Clifton Conley

    i recently purchased a Maytag refrigerator the whole process has been miserable from delivery, to service, exchange, and return. I’m at the point now that I have asked for a return because I’m exhausted from dealing with the logistics of this refrigerator. The reason I purchased a refrigerator is because the one I had at the time quit working. When I purchased this refrigerator online on July 20th the expected delivery date from Maytag was August 3rd, however, I received a notification that it would not be delivered until August 14th. This was not going to work for me due to the fact at this time I was temporarily borrowing a miniature refrigerator while I waited for my Maytag fridge. I contacted Maytag that I needed this sooner and they were able to expedite the delivery to August 8th, which is better but still 19 days from my original order date and I’m still having to use a mini fridge. Since the delivery times are all during the day I had to take off work to be home for the delivery. At this point I was excited to finally have my fridge but I quickly realized it did not work properly. It makes a high pitch buzzing ringing noise when it runs and it will run for hours at a time. I cannot sit in my living room or kitchen when this is happening I have to go my bedroom and shut the door. I contacted Maytag for service and scheduled service for August 14th. I had to take off work again to meet with the service employee. The service man concurred that the fridge does not work properly, that the fridge’s compressor is compromised. I then contacted Maytag for an exchange because I did not want to have a new compressor installed in what should be a brand new fridge. When I was on the phone with Maytag they were unable to give an expected date for this exchange, it seemed to be at least a month. I can not wait this long so I decided to do the return. As annoyed as I am I just want this thing out of my house, however, Maytag on the phone told me it would be at least a week before I receive an email to schedule for pickup, and I expect once I receive this email it will be at least another week before actual pickup. By this time it will be almost September. I am going to have to purchase another refrigerator because I have to return the miniature fridge I have been borrowing. This will put me in a tough spot financially because I will still have this Maytag refrigerator in my possession and I need to have a refrigerator and Maytag does not issues funds back from a return 14 days after they receive the return. (This is presumably mid-September)

    In conclusion, I ordered this refrigerator on July 20th and will not have the headache of the whole situation resolved until mid-September and will be out financially from purchasing this Fridge and another one to replace this one and taking off work three times. Once for delivery, once for service, and once for return. Not to mention all of the time I have to be on the phone with customer service. It would be nice if someone would be able to expediate an exchange or a return or at least provide me with a properly functional refrigerator in the meantime. I will never buy a Maytag or Whirpool product again and will advise everyone I know to do the same unless there is some kind of resolution.

  3. Sherry Davis

    I have used Maytag my entire life,I would refuse to buy anything else,my mother,also would only use Maytag,I have never been dissatisfied with Maytag,until I bought a centennial commercial technology washer ,they are the worst piece of garbage I ever seen ,all I’ve wanted to do with this washer is get it to a very very high mountain and push it off,I don’t know what happened to Maytag,I use to brag about how great they were ,to all my friends and family,but, now I’m posting warning signs with a huge red x to all I know and all that I don’t know ,Maytag should hang their heads in shame , letting all their faithful customers down, for myself I’ll never even speak the word Maytag again.!!!!!

  4. Paul Burbidge

    Dear Maytag
    My wife and I have bought nothing but Maytag machines for the past 30 plus years and this is the last Maytag we would ever buy again. Our latest Bravos XL washer is a piece of c___. We have had it for 5 years now and from day one we have never been able to put in a normal size load without dealing with off balance loads. I am a construction superintendent and very able to level the machine so it’s nothing to do with leveling. Don’t even consider putting in beddings without dealing with the off balance loads
    You had better up your game as I for one will consider other brands from now on.

  5. Satheesh Kumar

    Am looking for an American Appliances Brand in Saudi Arabia as an exclusive partner. If you have any brand within Maytag group, please let me know
    Thanks and Regards,

    Satheesh Kumar

  6. scritt

    sent cannot obtain a part that is in stock with your company. Why is it taking so long to fix a dryer that is not even a year old yet?
    Maytag confirmed 20 Aug 2021 that the part requested by Texas Appliance is in stock.
    Texas Appliance (Maytag contracted repairman) stated they ordered part on 13 Aug 2021.
    It is now 20 Aug 2021 and have no word from Maytag nor Texas Appliance.
    PLEASE HELP!!!Carol’s business model focused on marketing and publicity.[3] An encyclopedia of publishing suggests that Schragis, in his role as Carol’s head, “exemplified the ‘hard-sell’ accountant-publisher mentality of today taken to perhaps its furthest extreme”.[4] A 2001 profile of Schragis said Carol was known for its “lowbrow celebrity bios”;[5] The Washington Post called Carol a publisher of “salacious star biographies”.[6]

    Carol published several unauthorized biographies and distributed (but did not itself publish)[2][7] a suicide manual called Final Exit by Derek Humphry, an advocate of the right to die.[3][8] An imprint named after Lyle Stuart published books by Kahlil Gibran.[2] Carol made a foray into artificial intelligence with the 1993 romance novel Just This Once, about three quarters of which was written by a computer.[9][10]

    In 1990, Carol won an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit that allowed it to publish A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed, a biography of L. Ron Hubbard, who founded the Church of Scientology.[11][12] The book contained quotations from Hubbard’s writings totaling about 3 percent of the biography.[11] Paramount Pictures sued Carol over The Joy of Trek: How to Enhance Your Relationship with a “Star Trek” Fan, which Paramount said infringed its copyright in Star Trek.[13][14] Carol lost.[15] It lost again in Castle Rock Entertainment

  7. RICA

    I have been without my dryer for 3 weeks now and cannot find anyone that will help! I have called the Maytag phone line numerous times and have not received the help I need. I need someone to contact me and tell me why the repair company you sent cannot obtain a part that is in stock with your company. Why is it taking so long to fix a dryer that is not even a year old yet?
    Maytag confirmed 20 Aug 2021 that the part requested by Texas Appliance is in stock.
    Texas Appliance (Maytag contracted repairman) stated they ordered part on 13 Aug 2021.
    It is now 20 Aug 2021 and have no word from Maytag nor Texas Appliance.

  8. kathy swaw

    I purchased a washer on 4/2/21 and it has stopped working and they do not have any repair people in our area.. Customer service stinks, Could s
    a supervisor call me or email me back I need my washer replaced since they cannot get it fixed

    1. Kenneth P Erdelyi

      A person would think with all the negative comments regarding matags junk washing machines they would address the issues I for one will never buy another neither will anyone I know. Happy to see a company like this fail.


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