Metro PCS Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Metro PCS Corporate Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact information like the toll-free phone number, Email, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Metro PCS. The Customer Service of Metro PCS is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency numbers are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Metro PCS Corporate Office address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Metro PCS, Metro PCS toll-free phone number, customer service helpline number, and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Metro PCS such as Metro PCS Corporate office, toll free 24 hours phone number of Metro PCS Availability, Official working customer service number, Headquarters Office address of Metro PCS. The good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

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We have given here Metro PCS Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Metro PCS corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Metro PCS Customer Care Support in the given below Metro PCS Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main points of Metro PCS services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Metro PCS Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here the Metro PCS mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Metro PCS, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Metro PCS Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-888-863-8768

The number given above may not be a toll-free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Metro PCS is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Metro PCS Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is that the listed official email address of Metro PCS. they supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

See also  Time Warner Cable Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID

Metro PCS Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Metro PCS. People can use these contact details to contact them and get their concerns or query answered quickly.

Metro PCS Corporate Office Address: 2250 Lakeside Blvd Richardson, Texas 75082 United States

Metro PCS Corporate Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-(214) 570-5800

Metro PCS Corporate Office Fax Number Details:  (214) 570-5859

Metro PCS Corporate Office Email Address: NA


Metro PCS Social Media Links:

Metro PCS Online Resources:

13 thoughts on “Metro PCS Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email


    Metro pcs employee’s have the audacity to try and steal other clients acp and uses for there personal usage no one cares if those people are elderly or use drugs. Not very professional customer service representative, and there is also an major language barrier. Not many of you speak English in the stores. Also, there is a problem with you over charging my debit cards and accounts after I pay my bill, and having the audacity to insinuate that your employee’s lack of having lunch money, or other essentials is my concern or my priority? Most definitely not, It’s very fortunate that you don’t discriminate but some people just don’t deserve a customer service job. Theifs

  2. steven chesser

    My mom recently had broken her flip phone which she relies on for talk back. She is legally blind. She has had metro for years. She went to Melbourne Fl location. They told her they had no flip phones available at this location knowing that she relies on the talk back feature. She also uses the transit buses to go where she needs to. They had her pay for a new flip phone at this location and sent her to another location to pick up in Palm Bay fl. which is several buses to transfer to get there. She went there and picked upthe new phone, girl helped her activate the phone and set up for her. She left headed for the bus only to find out the phone does not have the talk back feature.she goes back into the store and the girl says there’s no refunds on upgraded phone. She relies on this phone to tell her everything,dialing out, time and who’s calling her. This was a downgrade for her and she is lost without it. I picked her up later same evening to go back to store where she paid. The manager was not available. Tomorrow the very helpful staff said to come back.
    Next day returned only to find rude short tone manager who says I can give you 15.00 a month off your bill. If the phone don’t work like the one she had a credit is not acceptable.
    I reached out to customer service who also agreed that this situation was not right. He told me he was setting up an appointment at a different store for us and they would be waiting for us and could get us a phone with features my mom needed for her disability.thank you sir,finally felt like someone was listening. I had to calm my mom down at last store because the manager didn’t want to deal with.awesome we are getting somewhere mom.
    Arriving at store with appointment so said the guy didn’t have a clue we were coming and had no phone with features as told. Metro pcs is a run around for us. My mom is on a fixed income and blind. There’s laws out there for discrimination towards the blind and disabled and before I go towards seeking further actions I’m giving metro a chance to make it right.

  3. Darcy Bettencourt

    I have had this service for 6 years and never had any issues until the last two months..I have paid what I was supposed to pay spoke to a supervisor and everything you can possibly do my bill is supposed to be $30 a month..I got a new phone tried calling to get everything transferred over, and all of a sudden they can’t do that.. even though it is the phone they sent to me!! And now magically my bill says $123 how??? So of course I call and got hung up on four separate times.. these people are ridiculous!! I will be going through different service soon as I can afford to

    1. Brandie Smith

      Same here, except they are telling me they can only take $15 off the bill for compensation for being without phone service for 2 weeks and without Internet for almost a month. $15 off a $181 bill.

  4. Tammy

    I would highly recommend ANY other phone company before I would suggest metropcs! I had 4 lines on this acct and decided to change companies . Upon doing so my tablets (2) were networked locked. Now for almost 2 weeks I have spent numerous hours on the phone with them to get them unlocked. Been told every BS story possible and currently have had to wait 72 hours for an email with unlock code but never received. So still locked and unable to use. I have been lied to, hung up on , transferred to a Spanish speaking supervisor when obviously I don’t speak Spanish, been pit on hold for hour at a time , even a supervisor in the muddle of a conversation put phone down and 34 minutes later another supervisor came on saying her audio equipment was faulty he was very sorry for the long delay,. I’ve been promised resolution of this situation over and over again and personal guarantees like they mean something .still I am unable to use tablets. That I gave bought and paid for ! I havd tried to get the corporate number from. Them. They all but refuse giving it to me. When I Google the number the numbers are all disconnected. Poor business ethics and the worst company when it comes to customer relations and service. The supervisots are dumber then a box of rocks. I would strongly suggest skipping any business transactions with metro pcs ! Unless you want to to get screwed over !

  5. Delacin st Paulin

    Bonjour j’ai un problème je suis client dela compagnie depuis plus que un an j’ai besoin d’un papier prouvant que je paye régulièrement mes téléphones je fréquente 6 bureaux de la compagnie près de chez moi Indianapolis Plainfield ,38thst ,10thst, Rockville ,Lafayette tout les bureaux m’a refuser que dois je faire en ce sens et c’est l’urgent

  6. Brian

    EVERYBODY!!!!…………. Please READ ME!!!!!!!!!! I currently live in Cherokee county ….my name is Brian woods and the metro PCs store off of bells ferry Rd is now to me the shadyest place in this county .As me and a new friend of mine sat here this evening exchangeing stories we ended up both having the similar stories about this store .It’s very important that you don’t allow them to take your money like they did us ……I walked into the store to pay my phone bill and I paid cash …..when I finished giving 60 to the cashier ANNA she informed me that she couldn’t give me my recipet because of technical complications .I looked at the cashier and even asked 5 times …am I ok ? … everything fine ?….is my bill fully taken care of ?……am I good to go? …..nuthin can happen to my service right?…..Anna then states nothing will happen if she doesn’t give me my recipet …..I trusted what I was told and trusted my ten years of service with metro ,but boy was I wrong ……The next day my phone was turned off I called metro and was told I had to go back up to the store to resolve the issue.when I told the store manager what had happened they tell me another person who had MY !!!!!! recipet came up there and got the money back for my service … a complete stranger .can walk up and steal my paid service and all that can be done is for me to pay my bill again …. Anna obviously was in on the scene and kept the cash I had given her at first …… everything that was said after being told this to the employees was well deserved and overdue . I still have plenty more accurate names to scream at this dishonest waste of space they call a manager …. As I said before there’s two stories so here’s the next ….At the same store, a friend of mine was scammed out of 300 dollars …He gave him his phone to aquire service and the cashier (that was a male)looked in his phone got his card info off of cash app and stole 300 dollars from another good citizen ….so there you are there’s two different stories about two different cashier’s one male one female and a crooked manager that I believe is teaching his employees to be just as dishonest as himself. coincidence??? I don’t think so what about y’all? Please help me turn up on these fools ….

    1. Shirley

      Yeah, I hear you loud and clear! I am going through something as well. Very frustrating, to put it nicely. I’ve been with them since the Nokia phones were out. 22 yrs!! I don’t like change, but, it is now that time to do so! Especially after reading you and your friends experiences. It’s too bad that it’s the employees that they hire(unexperienced) don’t give a hoot about the company’s loyal long time customers!!! I was just looking up the corporate office to complain, and the the bbb and the nat’l consumer affairs. I’m sure they are going to fire the two guys from the store(location) I was not taken seriously. Sometimes, persistence prevales. They’re not the only co. with deals. It’s a rough competition out there, & they don’t like that(metro) when you mention that. Take action or at least try too.

  7. Dalia Amador

    Nick tell me about it I had to spend alot more then what I had to because they aren’t willing to help bad service and won’t let me access my account even with I’d terrible service had to switch to T-Mobile

  8. Robert J Turner

    I was just looking at ALL of these comments and they are ALL BAD.. I don’t understand for the life of me how to these people are getting away with all of this.. I mean if you read these reviews you will see their are A LOT OF DISSATISFIED COSTUMERS.. And it appears that None of these issues are getting resolved. I mean the Better Business Bureau can’t help ??? 😳 Wow

  9. Jeanne L McKelvy

    I’m very upset with your company right now. Back in 2015 I got on your $30 unlimited talk, text and data plan @5G. I paid $90 a month for the service. I cancelled one phone in 2018 I believe and I was told no changes would be made to the plan. I paid $60 a month until 2021 when I cancelled a 2nd phone due to the fact that the plan kept saying you have ran out of data. Took it over to a metro store and they could not figure out why when we had unlimited data. When I cancelled the 2nd phone and told them why, the young man stated my plan had changed when I cancelled the 1st phone. I told him I was told it would not change my plan but that I would never get that plan again if I came back. We never had any issues with the service until about a month ago. Now I have one phone still under that plan but am told NO, I now have to pay $57.15 a month and can no longer have the $30 plan! I am beyond mad. I would like to know why this is!!! If I hadn’t just purchased a $400 phone I would have cancelled it too! The plan eid NOT call for having 3 phones, it was 1 to 4 phones for $30 each. I was told I was grandfather in but now I’m told I’m out, why?? And I was told by the young man that he did not believe I ever had an unlimited data plan at $30 a month. I’m not a liar and I did appreciate that he made me feel this way. He also told me I could take my business elsewhere if I could find it less expensive. I certainly did not feel like a valued customer. I would like an explanation please as to the plan.

    1. Nick

      They just won’t answer me then I went to location today to get pin and account number because he never asked me? So I wasted 35$ in gas just going there and back….?


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