Dollar Tree Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID

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We have listed here the Dollar Tree Headquarters Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact details such as toll free phone number, website, fax number and Email ID to contact Dollar Tree. The Customer Service center of Dollar Tree headquarters helps in providing and supporting its customers by addressing their concern and Issues. They are available on their usual working hours. They can be also contacted after business hours via dropping a mail to their email address, calling the toll free telephone number or contact them via live chat online. Many Customers are searching for the Dollar Tree Headquarters address or trying to look for customer service phone number of Dollar Tree, Dollar Tree toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more details on various types of Dollar Tree services and brands such as Dollar Tree headquarters office, Available toll free 24 hours phone number of Dollar Tree, Official working customer service number, Office address of Dollar Tree. Good news is that you can get all important information here and contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in solving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

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We have given here Dollar Tree Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Dollar Tree headquarters corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Dollar Tree Customer Care Support in the given below Dollar Tree Contact phone number and will be able to get all the details of Dollar Tree services or able to get help and get your concern properly addressed by appropriate authorities.

Dollar Tree Headquarters Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here Dollar Tree mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Dollar Tree, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Dollar Tree Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-877-530-TREE

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Dollar Tree is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Dollar Tree Customer Support Email Address: 

Above is the listed official email ID of Dollar Tree. They provide the email support 24 hours all day and they usually reply within 24 hours. Sometimes you can expect a delay in reply.

See also  Goodwill Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID

Dollar Tree Headquarters Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office and location address of Dollar Tree. People can use this contact information to contact them and get their concern or query answered fast.

Dollar Tree Headquarters Corporate Office Address: 500 Volvo Pkwy Chesapeake, VA 23320 United States

Dollar Tree Headquarters Corporate Office Phone Number: 1-757-321-5000

Dollar Tree Headquarters Corporate Office Fax Number: 1-757-855-5555

Dollar Tree Headquarters Corporate Office Email Address na


Dollar Tree Social Media Links:

Dollar Tree Online Resources:

3 thoughts on “Dollar Tree Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID

  1. hdue

    At the end of the war, Nimmo transferred to the permanent Australian Staff Corps, and served as a company commander and instructor at Duntroon before a series of staff postings at cavalry formations in Victoria. He was also a talented sportsman, representing Australia in field hockey, and the state of Victoria in a range of sports. After attending the British Army’s Senior Officers’ School, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel Dollar Tree Headquarters customer service 8O53O1-7O42 Dollar Tree Headquarters phone 8O53O1-7O42 number

  2. Paul whitmore

    Theres a district manager in San Antonio, TX by the name of Celeste Smith, and she berates and belittles a manager. I have been in this store 2 or 3 times, and i could not believe the way this DM talked to the manager, absolutely absurd. The most damaging comment I heard was the DM told the manager “you have good people but, but they need a better manager”, plus many other things before and after that remark. In my opinion, this DM should have to offer a public apology to this manager, and her employees, or be fired.

  3. makika

    tore My first order went well. The second order I tried to place for delivery was a nightmare. The card I have used to pay for just about all of my Walmart purchases is now considered suspicious and flagged. I called my bank prior to calling the nightmare customer service call center based in Columbia. My bank advised me that they did not flag the account for suspicious activity. I then call Walmart’s customer service number. I spoke with a rep that I could barely understand due to the language barrier between us. I tried at first to explain to her that I wasn’t fully understanding her. I asked to speak with someone else that I could possibly understand better. That request was of course was denied. The rep tried at first to tell me it was my bank who flagged the payment. When I advised her that was not the case I received a story that I really had an issue following due to the language barrier between us. I asked her to connect me to a manager and advised her not to leave me on hold for 20 minutes only to come back and say one is not available. I explained to her I worked in corporate in the past and that tactic is taught to customer service reps. Needless to say I was put on a brief hold and advised the manager wasn’t available. No surprise there. I gave my phone number to the rep and waited a short period of time. Knowing that if the manager even got my message, I wouldn’t be receiving a call anytime soon, I called back. In hopes of getting a rep that I may understand better. The second reps accent was worse. I then asked to speak to a rep that speaks English. Allegedly I was finally connect to the manager. Who was understandable but equally useless. He advised that my card was flagged and would be flagged permanently due to the suspicious activity of me adding to my order with my own card. Imagine that. I asked if he could have my account unflagged. According to him it was not in his managerial capabilities to do so. Or he just didn’t want to be bothered who knows. I was advised billing handled the issue. My issue was I wanted a refund with in 24 hours not days due to their incompetence. There was no way I was going to pay with another card when I was already waiting on a refund on the same purchase. Of course the so called manager was also not capable of removing the flag so my purchase could go through. Because that w convient service is supposed to provide.


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