Waffle House Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Waffle House Corporate Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Waffle House. The Customer Service of Waffle House is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Waffle House Corporate Office address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Waffle House, Waffle House toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Waffle House such as Waffle House Corporate office, toll free 24 hours phone number of Waffle House Availability, Official working customer service number, Headquarters Office address of Waffle House. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

See also  Home Run Inn Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

We have given here Waffle House Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Waffle House corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Waffle House Customer Care Support in the given below Waffle House Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main points of Waffle House services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Waffle House Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here Waffle House mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Waffle House, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Waffle House Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-(770) 729-5700 

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Waffle House is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Waffle House Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is that the listed official email address of Waffle House. they supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

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Waffle House Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Waffle House. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Waffle House Corporate Office Address: 5986 Financial Dr Norcross, Georgia 30071 United States

Waffle House Corporate Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-(770) 729-5700

Waffle House Corporate Office Fax Number Details:(770) 729-5999

Waffle House Corporate Office Email Address: NA

Website: www.wafflehouse.com

Waffle House Social Media Links:


Waffle House Online Resources:


20 thoughts on “Waffle House Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

  1. Laura Wheeler

    A friend and myself went to Waffle House on Weddington Dr. In Concord, NC at 11:45 am today. Many tables were occupied but where there were open spaces to sit the tables had not been cleared. We waited 15 minutes with not interaction from the staff who were involved in a large take-out order. We finally asked a staff member who was eating eggs behind the counter to clean off a table for us. He finally did and had us sit, a waitress came and took our drink order. The staff member came back out and told us we wouldn’t be served for another 35 to 45 minutes.
    None of the counter spaces or tables had been cleared yet and “ALL” the staff went into the back and took their lunch break. There was no one out front to take orders or cook!

    Also I noted that while we were “waiting” I had noticed one lady who had been served her waffle asked to have another one cooked for her because it was burned on the underside. And another table had their food served to them burned as well.

    There seems to be some very disturbing staffing at his location, I hope someone sees this note from me and addresses this store and fixes these problems. We will not ever return to this location!

  2. Mrs p Gomes

    Location: Gulfport, Ms #2066. A Waitress refuse to accommodate us with a carry out container After finishing our Breakfast. We did not asked for something that was not a part of our service. A carry out container. This unprofessional, Unpleasant & Rude waitress refused to accommodate us with Any container or means to carry our food out of the restaurant. Gave us a lid without a top I asked for aluminum foil/ Saran Wrap I was told Waffle House don’t have either. Then was told, “This was all she could do for us & walked away. I know per being a professional Person you are never train to be unprofessional to anyone at anytime. Job opportunity are open. If this is not a Job for you. Change. Don’t take your frustrations out on customers. We as customers deserve better. Time is valuable & precious. I have options. I refuse to waste my Joy & energy on ignorance. This waitress need more professional Customer Service Training, patience, tolerance & kindness.


    I went to the restaurant on July 24, 2022 and this was my third time coming to this location and there were no cars in the parking lot and they stated it was closed. Well on July 24, 2022 the door was open but they stated they were closed. The employee was waiting on 2 customer that were white and i am black. I was told that the restaurant was closed but the two white people they were serving food to them. When I demanded to be served, i was told they would call the police on me. When they called the police on me, the employee stated to the 911 dispatcher i had a gun on me and i hit him. None of that was true. The employee was trying to get the police to show up with guns drawn. I finally left after some other customer encouraged me to leave so there would not be a black man getting shot down for nothing. I returned to the restaurant the next morning at 6am to speak to manager and the whole restaurant was closed down. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS RESTAURANT THEY DO NOT SERVE BLACK PEOPLE HERE. WAFFLE HOUSE STEELE CREEK LOCATION IN CHARLOTTE NC EMPLOYEES ARE RACISTS.

  4. Pam Lipscomb

    We live in Greenville South Carolina and I would like know why it is that sometimes when you go into the Waffle House in the mornings they will look at you and say we are closed only doing Togo orders cause we are cleaning the restaurant now why is that I thought that the Waffle House was 24/7. Also what has happen to the staff not wearing hair nets especially the cooks they will be in there cooking with long hair and they will have long beards and no hair net over it at all and the bread will be hanging loose all over the food they are cooking. Someone please do something about this I have stopped going to the waffle houses in Greenville and Travelers Rest South Carolina cause the staff is not the cleanest with their hair hanging everywhere. Thank you

  5. sandra willis

    My husband and I went to the waffle house on Epps Bridge RD. in Athens , ga. this past Friday evening and the waitress told us she could’nt serve us because she had much to do and said she was the only one there but there was another girl there and only abot eight people eating, now to me if the sign says open they are suppose to serve you if not they should have closed

  6. Kendrick barton

    Cook name tag,no hat,cook has no mask
    Store cleanliness 4(under grill,food cooler,ceiling dusty,lobby floor 4 light trash
    Waitress seems new with no other wait staff.

    No other customers in store during visit

    Unit 774

  7. Amy miller

    I just left waffle house in tallapoosa ga I had a to go order with contained 1 Texas patty melt w/ hash browns an cheese an one grilled bacon an cheese sand with hash browns an cheese one sprite it cost 27.85 I ask if they was sure it was correct they re calculated in on calculater an said they made a mistake an thy owed me 1.70 but they couldn’t give refunds I’ve never paid any were close to that an they were very rude an to top it off no bacon on either sand an we had go 16 miles back for them to say there wasn’t nothing they could do the main office had came in Sunday. An changed prices all foods went up 75 cents also it was never put in register until I refused to leave with out a receipt an the cook was so rude an hateful more so than the cashier so if this is how waffle house employees are allowed treat customers I will not be returning an ill make sure I tell all my friends an contacts its very unprofessional an if it cost 27 bucks grilled cheese an a piece hv meat on bread an looked like 1 order hb split in half thats just ridicules sincerely a ripped off miss treated customer Amy miller

  8. Kelly Crosby

    i recently visited the waffle house in siler city nc. the cook was very unprofessional. she had ear buds in and wasnt listening to the waiter when he called out our order. we ordered a cheesesteak melt with hasbrowns covered and chunked. the cheesesteak melt had only 1 piece of bacon. the hasbrowns had no ham and no cheese. the waiter told her again to add ham and cheese.the cook just placed a piece of cheese on top withouth melting it. i asked could my cheese be melted the cook got a attitude. i told her i wasnt goig to pay for mine until it was right
    . she then told us to leave. i told her as soon as my husband finished his we would leave. she kept yelling at us telling us to leave. i then told her again i dont have a problem paying for my food as long as it was cooked right. she then called me a CRACKER i said to her. are you being racist. and she said yes. i then asked for her name which she woud not give to me. this was very unprofessional behavior. poor customer service. i would please like someone to contact me regarding this issue.

  9. Maurice Gordon

    This is my second time in two weeks I have gone to the waffle house in hueytown and could not get any service there was sandy and donte working and they said it’s going to be about 10 minutes I got there about 4:30 am and waited until 5am and sandy said donte was not feeling well so what’s the problem with hueytown waffle house.

  10. Charles Dory

    I visited the Waffle House just a few day ago in Evans, GA (Store 1359) and had a very pleasant experience. I was greeted at the door and promptly seated. My waitress was quick to get my order, frequently visited my booth, and got the food out still hot.
    While I waited, I watched the staff members working behind the counter. They knew what (each one) needed done and quickly accomplished it. It was obvious that their manager had gone to great strides to recruit the right personnel, ensure they were properly trained, and know their responsibilities.
    For the senior management of Waffle House, pay a visit to this restaurant. They obviously know what it takes to be exceptional in ever area.

  11. Melissa Baker

    What is the reason for one of your Waffle House stores to remain open during a hurricane?

    Why would life not be more important than money being taken in?

    Waffle House is not a emergency responder, law enforcement nor does it benefit anyone if a employee is injured or killed by attempting to drive in a dangerous storm.
    I’m trying to wrap my head around the reason for staying open in a dangerous situation, that is out of the employees hands.
    We all need to work and everyone has already been working through the Covid 19 pandemic. Adding additional stress to your employees by making them fear of losing their jobs because of a hurricane is just not right.
    It’s wrong and it’s a threat against life.

    I honestly feel there is probably a miscommunication between Corporate office and your stores that are in direct path of Hurricane Ida. I would like to think that Waffle House Corporate doesn’t know this is happening.

    I’ve always enjoyed Waffle House but something like this needed to be brought to light.

    Life is more important than money.

    Thank you for taking the time to listen to a concerned customer, from Laurel, MS.


    I live in a retirement community in blue water bay Niceville Fl. I have eaten at Waffle House since I was a child with my parents. I continued to do so with our daughter. You always knew what the food would taste like that was one of the things that drew us to eat there at least three to four times a week. It saddens me to say its no longer like that.
    The restaurant is too loud, the orders are rarely correct and never correct on to go orders. The grits are always clumpy, half cooked and barely warm. No one there knows how to cook an egg, get the white done and the yellow soft. The country ham is drenched in grease thats all you taste, have to use few napkins to wipe it off to eat. The toast is either burned or cold and the wonderful waffle i used to eat is no longer, its thin, dry, actually looks as though it was warmed over and over, no taste and one syrup on a a stack to go order for children! Lipstick on the coffee cups at times. flies in the windows , sometimes no eating utensils on a to go order when we were going to the bay to eat! what more can I say? I just had a to go order which was $24.76..order # 62007962. from house #1162 If this is not credited back to my card I am going to call my card company and have it taken off ! No more will I stand for this, we are retired , it is a privilege to eat out, not a necessary four day a week requirement. I suggest you try to call this store, lol I suggest you place an order to go Sir or Miss, I suggest you make a trip to our beautiful area and undercover have a seat and order what I talked about previously, I would like to know your opinion . I know its not five star dinning but it used to be a great family restaurant clean , no greasy spots on the floor, napkins ketchup packs and garbage right by your table. no dry egg on a fork. COVID IS NOT THE REASON FOR THIS , ITS A DON’T CARE AMERICAN DON’T HAVE TO WORK THE GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE CARE OF US ATTITUDE. OH FOR THE 50’S AND 60;S AGAIN, FAMILIES, FUN AND FREEDOM, and the most important GOD

  13. Jacob

    I contacted corperate to find out if My waffle-house is or ever will be OPEN AGAIN and they forwarded that to an regional and I have not heard anything back in over TWO MONTHS. WHATS GOING ON? I guess they no longer desire Our business.

  14. Cynthia Washington

    I went to the waffle House in fort Worth Texas on Oakland and I must say my experience there was not a professional atmosphere it was more like being in a park there was a few customers in the restaurant when this issue took place I gathered from a conversation that they were having these employees were waiting on rides or off work but their communication was not professional yelling and screaming across the dining room floor to one another profanity was used I guess the shift manager was there and his response was I hear y’all talking loud what he should have immediately told them that customers are present in this restaurant and your conduct don’t represent what waffle House stands for yelling laughing loud profanity should be permitted because customers were present and seen and heard their conduct nobody wants to come back to that kind of establishment if this is going to be tolerated I’ve been coming to waffle House a long time and this is the first time that I’ve seen such unprofessionalism and management did nothing about it my family and I’m hoping that this issue will be resolved my family and I love coming to waffle House I’m hoping that I won’t be disappointed in my decision thank you

    1. Danielle

      Oooh so true how I wish every establishment I walked into the employees would just shut up and speak when spoken to….*NO LAUGHING AT WORK* who do these people think they are?

  15. Rashida

    Hello I am at your location in Auburn, AL on South College & they are picking & choosing who they are going to serve. They are taking to go orders from some people & not other. They are turning people away & not answering the phones for to go orders. What kind of unorthodox service is this? You all need a unified service plan. No one has time to waste coming here during normal business hours for this BS. Update your website! Dissatisfied customer.


    1. sandra willis

      Yea about the same thing happened to me and my husband the waitress said she couldn’t serve us that’s not good business and it’s also losing money

      1. Rodney Sterling

        Just happened to me at both Cypress Texas Waffle Houses. The girl there refused me service 2 days in a row, I go in there every day to get my to-go order. The last 2 days, I didn’t have breakfast. I am 75 years old and I have never seen service like this in a Waffle House. Are you guys on the way out, yes you are if you don’t change your service.

  16. Reccio Collins

    It’s ridiculous trying to place a call in lady answers phone ask me to hold after 20 minutes of holding I drive to the restaurant I counted 5 people inside I asked Taylor why I was left on hold she said she take calls when she has time. I asked her well you not doing anything and I’m still holding she rolled her eyes. Just rude

  17. C Everett Jewett

    We went to the Waffle House at 5996 Lawrenceville highway tucker ga yesterday the music was so loud my wife wanted to leave and she does not want to go back. We asked the waitress Bree and Cara to please turn it down. They both said they were not allowed to.

    I have gone to this restaurant at least once a week since they opened sometimes three times in a week. I just love chris, chelsie, sandy,Naomi they are very nice people I am sorry Chee no longer works there. Bree and cara I am sure are also nice they were very polite when we asked them to turn the music down.


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