Intel Headquarters Address and Phone Number

Find all information of Intel headquarters contact detail like address, phone number, email, corporate office details, website and other important contact information of Intel. Do you have any issues with Intel, complaint, or want to give suggestion then please use the details given below and contact them right now.

About Intel

Intel which is also popularly known as Intel Corporation, is a big american Multinational company which deals with computer technology specially CPU processors etc. It is headquartered in Santa Clara, United States where most of the software companies are located (silicon valley) which was founded by Robert Noyce and Moore. It is now considered as the largest semiconductor chip maker in terms of revenue generated per year. Intel is famous for inventing x86 microprocessor which we use in our laptop and PC.

Intel Headquarters Phone Number

When to Call:
Monday – Friday
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Please call the above Intel customer service phone number to reach the Intel headquarters via phone and then explain your issue, concern, complaint or any suggestion or inquiry regarding Intel products, or reaching higher management etc.

Intel Headquarters Address

Intel Headquarters Address

Intel CEO Mailing Address

Intel Corporation
Attn: Corporate Quality
2200 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549

The Intel headquarters is located at Santa Clara, California, United States. It is also the same location where silicon valley is located which is famous for many software companies.

Where is Intel Headquarters?

2200 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549
(408) 765-8080

Intel headquarters Email

Intel headquarters email can be contacted via by through their contact form page. Please go this link and then go to contact us field and give your details and message like what is your complaint, issue or any inquiry.

Intel Official Website

There is one official website of Intel headquarters corporate office. You can check the latest news, current managerial team, download Intel products, contact support and many more. –> Link

Intel Executive Team

Intel consist of top executive team who are responsible for taking major decisions for the company. You can also contact them for any issues or for escalating or taking part in the company.

  • Andy D. Bryant
  • Brian M. Krzanich
  • Sohail U. Ahmed
  • Wendell M. Brooks
  • Diane M. Bryant
  • Robert (Rob) B. Crooke
  • Leslie S. Culbertson
  • Douglas (Doug) L. Davis
  • Aicha S. Evans
  • Amir Faintuch
  • Douglas (Doug) W. Fisher
  • Steven (Steve) L. Fund
  • Dr. Ann B. Kelleher
  • Thomas (Tom) P. Lantzsch
  • Dr. Michael (Mike) C. Mayberry
  • Daniel (Dan) McNamara
  • Gregory (Greg) R. Pearson
  • Naveen G. Rao
  • Dr. Venkata (Murthy) Renduchintala
  • Steven R. Rodgers
  • Navin Shenoy
  • Stacy J. Smith
  • Robert (Bob) H. Swan
  • Richard G. A. Taylor
  • Paula Tolliver
  • Joshua (Josh) M. Walden
  • Christopher (Chris) D. Young

Intel Board of Directors

Andy D. Bryant
Brian M. Krzanich
Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky
Aneel Bhusri
John J. Donahoe
Reed E. Hundt
Omar Ishrak
Tsu-Jae King Liu
James D. Plummer
David S. Pottruck

We hope that following addresses and contact details will help you in resolving your complaints, issues or any concern or suggestion. Please keep visiting our website for more details.