Crunch Gym Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Crunch Gym Headquarters Address, Corporate Office Phone Number and Mailing address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, Postal Office Address, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Crunch Gym The Customer Service of Crunch Gym is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Crunch Gym Headquarters address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Crunch Gym , Crunch Gym toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Crunch Gym such as Crunch Gym Headquarters, toll free 24 hours phone number of Crunch Gym ,Availability Hours, Official working customer service number, Crunch Gym Corporate Office address. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

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We have given here Crunch Gym Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Crunch Gym corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Crunch Gym Customer Care Support in the given below Crunch Gym Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main benefits of Crunch Gym services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Crunch Gym Headquarters Office Address Details

AGT Crunch Acquisition LLC
22 W. 19th St.
Fl. 4 New York
NY 10011
United States

You can find here Crunch Gym Headquarters Address, Corporate office address, customer service help number,Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Crunch Gym Headquarters Phone Number

Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-888-227-8624

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Crunch Gym is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

See also  Public Storage Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

Crunch Gym Headquarters Email Address : Email Now

Below is that the listed official email address of Crunch Gym .They supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

Crunch Gym Headquarters Office Address and Phone Number

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Crunch Gym is given below. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Crunch Gym Headquarters Phone Number Toll Free: 1-212-993-0300

Crunch Gym Headquarters Address Corporate Office:
AGT Crunch Acquisition LLC
22 W. 19th St.
Fl. 4 New York
NY 10011
United States

Crunch Gym Fax Number: 1-212-367-0960

Crunch Gym Official Website: Click Here

Crunch Gym Social Media Profiles :

Facebook : Post to their Wall

Twitter : Tweet to them

Instagram : Link

We hope that above mentioned information helped you greatly. Please do visit our website regularly for more helpful articles. Please do comment with your suggestions or questions.

21 thoughts on “Crunch Gym Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

  1. Jaime


    Before the pandemic I paid a 2 yr membership at a local gym, a yr later the gym shutdown the gym and gave me the option to freeze the membership until ready to comeback. Since I am not vaccinated I did not want to put at risk other member or myself, so I waited until covid ended. A few months ago I went to the club to reactivate it but they refused to honor it and they are giving me the runaround.

    I called the number listed on your website but it’s a fake number, and you don’t have any contact info posted to contact customer service.

    Can you please give me a number and email to contact customer service?

    Do not get a membership at this gym. Its a fraud !!



    1. Jaime

      Forgot to list the gym, its at Eastlake in Chula Vista CA. Angelica is the manager. Fraud !!

  2. Genisha W

    Horrible service from JOHNNY in Palmdale, CA. Blames me for their not being available to cancel. I called 8-24-22, they told me I had to cancel in person. I went in person on my lunch on 8-25-22, 330p and no managers available. They were in a meeting. I was given an email to just cancel online (so I didn’t have to do it in-person, after all). I sent it 8-26-22. The charge would have been 9-5-2022. I was charged the annual fee but not the regular
    Gym membership. So does that mean they WERE able to stop it and forgot to cancel that fee?! Horrible rude person. He said
    It’s My fault for not sending the email the day I went it. Really?! I did exactly what I was told to do over the phone and THEIR management was not available after I waited awhile. ABSOLUTELY NOT MY FAULT! I was told I still had time, no worries. I see lots of others had horrible experience also. I called to ask them to credit my son’s account, the same amount I was wrongfully charged, trying to make it easier. He (Johnny) was NOT trying to find a solution. He was being very petty, not like a confident manager who knows how to handle issues. Very immature. He needs to be
    FIRED! I had no contract, my son does. I’m looking into Lahore get out of it, o hate this experience so much. BBB will be contacted.

    1. Armando Golston

      These people will not cancel my membership insist on charging my card so I had to cancel my card do not I repeat do not mess with these people I am in Colorado Springs colorado managers are In meetings for some odd reason everyday they are not that important I manage a busy store myself and I make myself available to fix anything at anytime if you give card information to these people and do not like the facilities they do anything I mean anything to keep charging you pathetic in American as it gets lied to me to get me to try the facilities as pathetic as you can get for a dollar??!!

  3. Cindy

    Crunch Fitness in Hemet, California is a fraud. I want to cancel my membership and the manager Melanie Cardona is never available. I have been trying to cancel since January. I have already sent several messages. I’m going to have to take legal action because they are fraudulently taking money out of my account now.

    1. Janet

      I had the same experience in Citrus Heights California. I tried to cancel after they charged me $1200 for personal training!!! $200 was charged monthly without my knowledge. Be sure to read the fine print on the contract (as most people don’t ) and they Crunch is counting on that. They are very unavailable and uncooperative. Beware!!

    2. Ernesto Moreno

      Cindy I have the same issue. Is sad the Crunch doesn’t a phone number to file a complaint and resolve those issues right away. They don’t care. I went to gym this morning and a stupid manager name Andrew refused to let me in because he said that I have to have the crunch app downloaded in my phone. I told him that I issues with my phone and still refused to let me in even providing my phone number so I asked him to provide me with a bar code chain and still refused he said that they were out of them so he cancelled my membership before working with me and made my life easier.

    3. Ernesto Moreno

      Cindy I have the same issue. Is sad the Crunch doesn’t a phone number to file a complaint and resolve those issues right away. They don’t care. I went to gym in Palmdale California this morning and a stupid manager name Andrew refused to let me in because he said that I have to have the crunch app downloaded in my phone. I told him that I issues with my phone and still refused to let me in even providing my phone number so I asked him to provide me with a bar code chain and still refused he said that they were out of them so he cancelled my membership before working with me and made my life easier.

    4. Police report Momma

      Crunch gym is TOTAL FRAUD—I’m gona have to file a police report–it is fraud!!!!!!!!!!
      the day the gym opened in my local city, one of the ‘sales’ people right away started to sell me the $29.99, after 1 hour of hearing all ‘the benefits’ he said, if I Ever cancel—I will NOT have to pay the ANNUAL fee—so turns OUT–he LIED!! He straight up offering the membership to me and other people with not having to pay annual fee if cancelled–so guess what? …I went in person to CANCEL. And the manager was so synical–smiling and all..and said that I misUnderstood–and of course—No one in the gym knew where this sales REP was at—so Police REport!!!!

  4. Marcus Gavin

    The water fountain at the location in Dearborn, MI has been “out of order” for over two weeks now. I’ve been told by black female employees twice that I can purchase water for $1 per bottle (I’m a black male btw), while the other employees have told me I can get a complimentary bottle of water for the inconvenience. The annual fee that just came out of my account a month ago along with my monthly membership fee should be enough to cover BASIC NECESSITIES, such as water, decent functioning equipment, and a decent locker room but apparently it isn’t enough. I only come to this gym because it’s a convenient location for me but since members aren’t valued enough to get wage maybe it’s time I go elsewhere.

  5. Jesse Porras

    Sauna has been down for a week very disappointed being told it will be down for rest of the month one of my main reason for going is sauna would like to speak to someone in corporate about this problem very unsatisfaied customer who pays monthly fee’s early

  6. Schatzie Deal

    I need to be contacted by someone from your corporate offices. I was fraudulently charged 480$ on my credit care for personal training I never went to. Or even was contacted about to attend in the first place. The behavior of the personal training supervisor was appalling and he did not care to do anything about the fraudulent charges. I have already reported them to my bank and they will be refunding them. I recorded my interaction I had with him, and the fact he did not care or do anything to correct the situation. I told him unless I got a refund I was cancelling my membership. He did not care. He cancelled my membership and didn’t even apologize for stealing my money.

    1. Janet

      I had the same experience with Crunch. $1200 they had charged me for personal training that I never used. They won’t credit my account.

    2. Police report Momma

      Crunch gym is TOTAL FRAUD—I’m gona have to file a police report–it is fraud!!!!!!!!!!
      the day the gym opened in my local city, one of the ‘sales’ people right away started to sell me the $29.99, after 1 hour of hearing all ‘the benefits’ he said, if I Ever cancel—I will NOT have to pay the ANNUAL fee—so turns OUT–he LIED!! He straight up offering the membership to me and other people with not having to pay annual fee if cancelled–so guess what? …I went in person to CANCEL. And the manager was so synical–smiling and all..and said that I misUnderstood–and of course—No one in the gym knew where this sales REP was at—so Police REport!!!!

  7. Nellie Cartagena

    I am having the same problem. The manager is the only person that can cancel your contract; he canceled on me twice, and I have to wait till late March to cancel????!!!!! After 7 years, this is the way they treat you? I already told him what the problems was at the gym, I will not change my mind. Obviously they want to charge my annual clean fee, ok, do that, I just want to leave. I will be looking for lawyer advice, since I was mentally challenged. That’s just being plain mean……, This is the gym at Carolina, Puerto Rico. Call me 787 613-2668.

  8. Louis

    I’m trying to warn corporate about someone I believe may be stupid enough to commute a violent act at our club and no one will take me serious. I’m going to take a bag of things to protect us against this individual since no one else will. If I or anyone gets hurt. We will be sueing

  9. Jamie

    I will make it my life’s mission to make sure that nobody I know or ever come in contact with useless crunch fitness it is fraudulent and immoral and I will make sure that that gets spread until the day I die

  10. Jamie Padilla

    Crunch is a fraud company. They won’t cancel my membership or refund our money. We had to call our bank to get them off our automatic payments.


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