FPL Customer Service Phone Number

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Are you looking for FPL Customer Service Phone Number then you are at right place. Listed here is the FPL phone number, contact address, corporate office headquarters, mailing address, email, official website and other important contact details. FPL customer service phone number has shortest wait time and you can reach live person at FPL very easily. If you have any issues like power outage, pay by phone, making a payment, cancellation, refund or any related issues or complaint then just reach them via below mention FPL phone numbers.

About FPL

FPL, full name Florida Power and Light Company is an American Power provider company based in Florida. It serves more than 5 million customers annually and handles power distribution operations in more than 30 states in United States and also handles operation in Canada. Nexra Energy for which FPL is a subsidiary. Florida Power and Light Company was established in the year 1925 after many smaller power companies merged to form FPL in Jacksonville. It is headquarters in Juno Beach, Florida, United States. Florida Power and Light company is one of the largest employer in Florida stat with more than 11000 employees. Its main objective is to provide uninterrupted power supply to its consumers. It has generated revenue of more than 15 billion dollars annually and generated more than 50000 MW of power.

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FPL Customer Service Phone Number


FPL Bill pay phone number –> 1-800-226-3545

When to Call : Monday – Friday ( weekdays ) from 7:30 am – 7:30 pm and Saturday from 8 am-5 pm. Closed on Sundays.

You can easily bill pay online by calling the above number. It saves time, very easy and its free to use as it is a toll free FPL phone number.

FPL Customer Service Phone Number

FPL Official Website Contact Resource –> Link

FPL Mailing Address

General Mail Facility
Miami, FL 33188-0001

FPL Corporate Office Headquarters Address

Florida Power and Light Company
Juno Beach, Florida
United States

We hope that now you are able to reach the customer service of FPL by using the above listed phone numbers and address. You can also check customer support number of other companies like Amazon Prime and GEICO here. Please do comment for any suggestion or complaints.

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