Panera Bread Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Panera Bread Corporate Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Panera Bread. The Customer Service of Panera Bread is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Panera Bread Corporate Office address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Panera Bread, Panera Bread toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Panera Bread such as Panera Bread Corporate office, toll free 24 hours phone number of Panera Bread Availability, Official working customer service number, Headquarters Office address of Panera Bread. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

See also  Texas Roadhouse Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

We have given here Panera Bread Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Panera Bread corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Panera Bread Customer Care Support in the given below Panera Bread Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main points of Panera Bread services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Panera Bread Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here Panera Bread mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Panera Bread, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Panera Bread Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-(314) 984-1000 

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Panera Bread is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Panera Bread Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is that the listed official email address of Panera Bread. they supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

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Panera Bread Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Panera Bread. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Panera Bread Corporate Office Address: 3630 S. Geyer RdSuite 100 St Louis, Missouri 63127 United States

Panera Bread Corporate Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-(314) 984-1000

Panera Bread Corporate Office Fax Number Details: (314) 909-3300

Panera Bread Corporate Office Email Address: NA


Panera Bread Social Media Links:

Panera Bread Online Resources:

31 thoughts on “Panera Bread Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

  1. Geraldine Campbell

    The so called chicken sandwich had no chicken and old ham
    worse I ever ate and the Roll you need a steel jaw to chew.
    last time 3 weeks ago the sandwich was totally different and very good.
    I wont be gong back to Panera . any time soon
    $13.00 wasted , and your potato chips are horribly salt not like they used t be.
    this is the Panera in Troy Michigan on Coolidge Hwy.


    I recently learned the currently Panera does not offer any discounts. I called your headquarters yesterday and spoke with customer service rep who after much dialogue mentioned Panera policy is to ensure against showing partiality to any specific group. I find it hard to believe any true American would question giving a perk of some sort to any
    group that serves to protect us, ie, military, police, fire, EMT, etc.

    I strongly urge Panera to rethink their position on this and change your policy to ensure anyone in the above mentioned category wearing uniform be provided some type of perk, ie, free beverage, free bakery item, or
    a 10% discount 24/7. I APPRECIATE YOUR FEEDBACK….

    PS Thank you for donating leftover daily bread to those in need.

  3. Kristin

    Will you pretty please with cherry on top change the frontage chicken sandwich back to a panini. It is so blah tasting now. That was my favorite sandwich for years.

  4. Kathy

    I visited our “new” location in Amarillo TX on Sunday, January 15, 2023. I arrived at the drive-thru at approx 2:56pm. I waited for about 30 minutes with 4 cars ahead of me. We were not moving, so I decided to call the store while I was in line, since going inside was not an option. Doors were locked during “business hours”. No answer on the first call, I called back where the person answering identified themselves as a manager and put me on hold. They came to the phone after a few minutes only to hang up on me. I called back a 3rd time and when they answered, I asked why they hung up and she said, “There was no one on the line.”. No apology or anything. Finally at 3:40 I approached the drive thru speaker only to have another 15 minute or so wait to place my order. They took my order and I finally approached the pick up window at 4:01 pm. After about another 10 minute wait, my payment was processed and at 4:28 I FINALLY had my order given to me. Again, there were only about 4 CARS IN THE DRIVE THRU THE WHOLE TIME!!! No apology for the wait, NOTHING!! This location has been open for about 2 months. I actually called the store on Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023 and spoke with Tausha the GM from Lubbock TX and I also spoke to Jeannie area manager. Although Tausha did listen to my explanation of this “traumatic” experience, she laughed and said they realized they need a lot of work at this store. NOTHING FUNNY about a 1-1/2 hour wait at the DRIVE THRU. Online ordering is “supposed to be” an option with a 10-15 wait. HA!! HA!! I guess picking it up inside is not an option at this store. Site should be closed until a new crew is fully trained before they attempt to open again!!!!

  5. Dr. Brady

    I have been going to Panera twice a week for at least the last ten years and today I went there only to be told that I could no longer get my sandwich on a baguette. I was told they are no longer doing this? However your web site still showed it. I will not be returning to the Panera in Spanish Springs/in the Villages. Again.

    Dr. Brady

  6. Steve Kaplan

    Your chicken sandwich advertised frequently on Phx TV and the one I purchased at your Scottsdale location was nothing like what you advertise. False and misleading for sure. I should have returned it for a refund .
    Shame on your company for false advertising. The chicken placed in the bun did not cover the size of the bun as you advertise.
    Your company has certainly accomplished what you set out to do.
    Tricking the customer .
    Shame on you !!!!!!!

  7. Steve Kaplan

    Your chicken sandwich advertised frequently on Phx TV and the one I purchased at your Scottsdale location was nothing like what you advertise. False and misleading for sure. I should have returned it for a refund .
    Shame on your company for false advertising. The chicken placed in the bun did not cover the size of the bun as you advertise.
    Your company has certainly accomplished what you set out to do.
    Tricking the customer .
    Shane on you !!!!!!!

  8. Rusti

    My husband went to Panera in Orange Park, Florida on Blanding Blvd near Filmore Street. He went to the restroom and accidentally left it on a rail. He went back two separate times asking for it because the locator showed his phone still there. They kept advising him that they did not have it. After finally spotting a manager, he asked her if she had his phone. After stalling, the manager finally said she had it. It was like they were going to keep it. This is a bad experience and we won’t be back to that location.

  9. ann fuhr

    I live in a growing college town. There will be an estimated 30,000 students in the next few years. The community is in one of the fasted growing areas in the country. My friends and I drive to Anderson and Easley for our Panera fix.. We would love to see one in Clemson…and we even picked out a location. The corner of Hwy 123 and Issaqueena Trail next to Lowes. The property is for sale. There is already parking close to Lowes and it is en route to football games ( which attract over 80,000 on football weekends. ) I hope management will look into this as a site for a new store in the upstate of South Carolina.
    Thank you.

  10. Marianna Beddard

    Dear Panera Bread,

    Please you the gofundme link to donate to your tenured employee Abbie Bossom and her daughter during the tragic loss of her husband–and my beloved brother.

    Your Donation and Support is greatly appreciated.

  11. Donald Foote

    I find there is no consistency in your sandwich. I always order the turkey sandwich. Sometimes it is good and other times it is skimpy. I have complained to the manager at your Stroudsburg store and she has nothing about it to satisfy me. If this continues I will start eating at chic f lay.

  12. Jade Allen

    I believe when employees are working long hours that they should be given the option to take a break instead of breaks being required.

  13. Ernest Moore

    Hello, my name is Ernest Moore, 3462822961-phone#
    I visited the location of 15450 Wallisville last night roughly around 8:15-8:30. I was asked if I was dining in or to go. I looked around and decided to dine in. I went to sit down and wait on my food. Once my food was ready, they called me to the corner to get my food. I went back to my seat and started eating. The waitress Celeste came to me and told me in a rudely way that I had to leave. I informed her that I was still eating and I wasn’t leaving until I finished eating. She proceeded to tell me that the dining area is closed. I felt at that moment that she was racial profiling me. She walked away to come back with some guy not sure if he was a manager or the cook. Neither one of them offer me any other options. They basically looked at me and told me to leave. I was told that it was a policy of Panera bread that I couldn’t sit and eat in the dining area at a certain time. I have visited several other restaurants and I was never told to just leave. I feel as if I was in a suit and tie. I probably wouldn’t have had this problem. Since I was in a construction uniform and an African American male I had to leave. I had more than enough time to eat and finish my paperwork from my job. I contacted the location again today and spoke with Lucy, she seemed to not care. If there is a policy I would like to have a copy if possible. If not I would like that your employees be given the proper training on how to politely inform the customer the dining area is closing at whatever time your restaurant. I would like for someone to at least follow up with me at the number listed above.

  14. Randy

    I made a on line order for the Panera at 87th/Lackman in Lenexa Ks. I received done notification my order was complete ( coffee/Bagel). I waited 10 minutes by the rack, finally waited in line, the girl taking orders just lied away the line and didn’t return. After about 10 more minutes another came out.
    I explained that I had an on line order, she sai check the rack. I explained I did and there s nothing in e rack much less my order. She finally went to check my order which hadn’t been started. A total of over 30 minutes to get a bagel/coffee is unacceptable when they are not busy. The staff spent more time talking to each other than working. Clearly a management problem. There was serval people who just walked out.
    By the time I got my bagel and coffee cup, I find that the coffee pots are empty and no milk.

  15. Dawn

    Back in December I visited Panera in Boynton beach with my husband, I spoke with someone on the phone after we left about the poor guest service we got, started out with not excepting 100.00 bill and was told it’s stated on the front door, well that little tiny sign in the lower bottom corner is ridiculous, I mean who looks at the ground or bottom of a door when entering an establishment, then I was told no breakfast it’s 1040 am, then I’m charged the same price for cream cheese ans I was 5he plain bagel, then there is no coffee, to top everything off there wasn’t even an apology.
    I will make this social media known and won5 go back!

  16. Robin L Garberick

    I ordered a gift card for 100.00 dollars when it came in the mail it was only 25.00 dollars, I called the # on the back of the card they told me the don’t have any information about me ordering it I have the two 10.00 dollar cards that you get when you order 100.00 dollars how could you not have any record of my order and way are you trying to RIP off

  17. Carol

    I recently found that Panera had been taking almost 10.00 a month from my bank account for a coffee club I never signed up for , I don’t drink coffee. When I talked to customer service , they said they could cancel but could not reimburse any money taken out . Sad a billion dollar company has such poor customer service .

  18. Penny

    This is in response to your Gallatin, TN store – Mgr Kaitlyn (or Caitlyn). An order was placed online that was either 1) entered incorrectly on our part or 2) there was a computer glitch. It was for a green goddess salad with no chicken. The order showed up on the store’s computer as a green goddess with only lettuce & chicken. I attempted to reach out to the store and was quickly told it was too late to make any changes that she believed Door Dash had already picked up the order.

    Door Dash called to confirm the location of delivery but never made it with our product. I called Door Dash back and was told that he went into a building and left it by a door. Both our building and our suite # was included on the order. Door dash said call Panera and have them remake the order and I will go back and pick it up.

    I call Panera and sadly get the manager again. I explain the above conversation and proceed to ask since this is a remake can you make sure the order is correct this time with everything on the salad except chicken, chips no bread & extra dressing. Her tone immediately became agitated and said we can only make the order how it was originally ordered (WHICH WAS WRONG!!). I asked a 2nd time, reiterating we are paying $17.50 for a salad (which included a $2 tip) and you refuse to make the order right????? She didn’t say anything and it sounded like I had been muted. After a couple minutes a lady named Shay came to the phone. It felt as if Shay was trying to explain why the manager was so upset saying well we are short on items. In theory this meant zero to myself as a customer because there was no deduction in price for the items that were not included on the original order. Shay continued and said but I will be glad to make the order again the way it should have been originally. Shay as an employee had more common sense and customer service skillsets than did the manager that you have over this store. I work at a college and we have ordered lunch from Panera many, many times but have never dealt with this kind of nonsense.
    Final straw was Door Dash did not go pickup the order and I had to go to the store and pick the order up. Door Dash (#859.695.6180) blocked our calls. If I knew how to report this individual I would. Late this afternoon (2 hours+ after the original order was due to deliver) I received a voicemail from someone on the other side of campus that they went into their building and found the food on the floor by a door…random.

    I hope someone can correct the issues with this manager either through training, coaching, or transferring. I realize you have no control over Door Dash & their employees.

  19. Jim Eldridge

    Just had the worst experience ever at the Madison Wi. East store. Ordered by phone as I usually do on Sunday and was told my order would be ready in ten minutes. I arrived about five minutes late and could not find my pre-paid credit card order. I went to the counter where the orders were being made and asked about my order. The manager (Steven) asked someone to look it up and when they couldn’t find it suggested that maybe I called the wrong store. I looked at the number I called and showed it to the manager. He did not believe me and told me that they didn’t have the order or my credit card payment. As we were arguing about it,another employee found the order slip and said someone else had taken the order. I said to the manager “See I knew I was right “.At that point he told me to get out of the store or he would call the police. I said I would would leave when I got my credit card credited with the charge they had put on it.He told me to go to the front register to get my credit back ,which I did. The employee there told me he remembered taking my order. I asked how I could get the order since it was my wife’s regular Sunday dinner. He suggested ordering online for pick-up. I left and sat in my car and ordered online.The woman in the car next to me rolled down her window and said she had seen the whole thing and she was appalled by the way the manager acted and said she was going to contact the corporate office. As I was sitting waiting for my order two police officers came out of the store and walked to my car and asked what happened and I explained the situation. They then told me that I was banned from the store and went in and got my online order for me. Worst service by a manager in a business that I have ever encountered.

  20. Mrs Susan Mangone

    Panera Bread Cafe #203575 I feel that All you employees need to wear “hair nets “. Both men and women both have long hair these days and hair can fall out into our food! I’m kind of surprised it’s not a health department demand! Also during these COVID-19 they shld wear masks cause working next to one another germs can spread
    Sincerely Mrs Mangone

  21. Carol

    I just had the worst lunch experience of my life at Panera Bread today. Beside having to order it at the kiosk myself (a kiosk that had everyone’s fingers touching it) I then had to wait for someone to whisper my name when the order was ready. At said kiosk, the card reader was not working so one had to swipe the card but there was no indication as to where to swipe. I had to flag someone down for that information and in the meantime, the order is time sensitive so I had to keep refreshing the order so as not to lose it. An order that included soup so when I had to wait an additional 5 minutes at the counter for my smoothie to be made the soup tends to get cold. Then I’m to clear away my own dishes. The only thing I was not asked to do was wash the dishes afterwards and vacuum the floor. Next time I’ll eat stale crackers from home – it would have been a better experience.

  22. Gina Negron

    Panera in Zephyrhills, Florida is my favorite place to eat. Went for an everything bagel, no bagels. Drink unsweetened tea, no tea (for over a week now). Decided to try the grilled Mac & Cheese sandwich, no change. (No coin change, no singles, exact change only!). This is my favorite place. Wow! May as well been closed. Waited 15 minutes on the (855) customer service line with a recorded message how important my call was, to please continue holding. Disappointed all the way around!

  23. Disappointed in Des Peres MO

    I have been disappointed with the service at Des Peres, Manchester rd. three times now. I often order lunch for the executives I support, 1) order was not ready, waited 30 minutes for executives lunch after ordering on line
    2) order was told would be at business by 11:30, called at noon, said their system was down and they decided to put the order in for the next day, did not call, etc.
    3) ordered on line, went to pick up, pulled in space, paper signs on curbside pickup that were folded in half saying go thru the drive thru, illegible

  24. Jack Lukes

    We are huge fans of the coffee served at our local Panera. We drive 16 miles to enjoy it once a week. Being seniors, we’re not used to spending five dollars plus for two cups of coffee, so we take advantage of the bring-your-own-mugs discount (travel mug refill). After employing this discount several times, we know the specific price: 4.58 (2.29 per cup). Yet, every single time we visit, the employees (with one exception) do not charge us accurately. When we question the figure they present, they appear annoyed. Eventually, a “manager” is summoned and that person often has no clue how to activate the discount. It has become a predictable annoyance each and every time we visit. How can an employee be so inept that he makes the same miscalculation every, single time? We’ve never received any hint of contrition or apology. We are made to feel as if it’s our fault. We know the price and we know the buttons to press on the computer to activate that price, but the employees don’t. It’s a travesty. We’re convinced that the employees at this Panera simply don’t care about serving customers properly.

  25. Ed House

    your franchise located in Beverly Ma. was on a video in TicToc, the person handling the dough a stocky white male
    someone asked why he’s not wearing gloves when handling food,
    his response was putting a blue glove over both hands with his middle finger sticking out not covered telling people watching video to F’off
    Very unsanitary no aprons or gloves

  26. Maria Thomas

    So Disappointed with the Panera located in Murrieta, CA. I ordered our family dinner on Thursday 7/15/2021. I walked in to pick up my order and was told that they did not have any Teriyaki Chicken & Broccoli Bowl. I was offered another bowl or a refund. I said, I wanted a refund. I waited 10 minutes and was then told by who I believed was the manager that they have one Teriyaki Chicken & Broccoli Bowl . How is that possible?! My family is still short of a meal. Then seconds later I was told again that they now “magically have two Teriyaki Chicken & Broccoli Bowls.” So now the Panera staff is lying to their customers? First they have no bowls, then they do?. Very deceiving and WORST of all the bowls were not full. My husband had this bowl at the Panera in Torrance and knew what this bowl is suppose to look. I wish I had taken a picture but, from the looks of it, it looks like they split the bowls into two. So sad that they had to go to this extreme for $24 dollars. I returned the bowls and asked for a refund. So upsetting that my husband and I were without dinner and had to drive elsewhere to find an alternative meal.

  27. RoxAnn Henry

    Yesterday we ate at the Panera Bread in Butler, PA. We just wanted to say what an awesome general manager you have working there. He was so pleasant and smiled genuinely and was so upbeat. He made our eating experience very pleasant. I quickly glanced at his name, but I think it was something like Zanesky, but I may be wrong. Mike may have been his first name. Anyway, you have a very good employee in him.

  28. Tami Hensley

    My son recently worked at Panera in Machesney Park, IL, cafe 1560. He quit due to 2 uncomfortable situations with 2 manager trainees. I am writing because I don’t feel the resolution to the problem was handled properly and this could be a good lesson for the 2 in training. My son is Asian and he feels as though he was talked to inappropriately. I did call the manager right away after I learned he quit and she was very nice, but it was basically the 2 girls wouldn’t lie and my son would. After thinking about it a couple days it was still bothering me so I emailed the cafe1560 store. Not knowing if I needed a response or was just trying to vent, I did think I would have heard something back. No response. Very disappointed in your training of your people. Especially the management.

    Jack’s mom

  29. Jenny Ferrell

    The Panera West Kimberly Rd. in Davenport, IA has not been picking up their phone for the last 25 minutes, at least. I am needing to confirm an order that I was not given an email confirmation for. I don’t know if the staff have purposely looped it or have silenced it, but it’s totally frustrating to try calling at 3-3:30pm, and not be able to get any one!

  30. Bonnie

    We have had it with the Panera located on Windward Parkway in Alpharetta Georgia. No matter what time of the morning you go there, there are NO bagels and limited bread. How can you not have bagels in the morning??!! The limited (if any) staff is absolutely clueless!!! No discussion, no apologies, no explanation. This location used to be great. Not anymore. You have lost a long lasting customer.


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