Ashley Furniture Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Ashley Furniture. The Customer Service of Ashley Furniture is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Ashley Furniture Corporate Office address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Ashley Furniture, Ashley Furniture toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Ashley Furniture such as Ashley Furniture Corporate office, toll free 24 hours phone number of Ashley Furniture Availability, Official working customer service number, Headquarters Office address of Ashley Furniture. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

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We have given here Ashley Furniture Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Ashley Furniture corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Ashley Furniture Customer Care Support in the given below Ashley Furniture Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main points of Ashley Furniture services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here Ashley Furniture mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Ashley Furniture, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Ashley Furniture Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-(608) 323-3377

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Ashley Furniture is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Ashley Furniture Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is that the listed official email address of Ashley Furniture. they supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

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Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Ashley Furniture. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Address: 1 Ashley Way Arcadia, WI 54612 United States

Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-(608) 323-3377

Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Fax Number Details: (608) 323-6008

Ashley Furniture Corporate Office Email Address: NA


Ashley Furniture Social Media Links:

Ashley Furniture Online Resources:

16 thoughts on “Ashley Furniture Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

  1. sheriff64

    hievement in high school, Sisto was accepted into the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with the stipulation that he sign a kind of non-disclosure AShley customer service 8O53O1-7O42 Ashley furniture Headquarters phone 8O53O1-7O42 number statement to keep his acceptance quiet unless/until he became a well-known actor.

  2. Allyn E Cook

    When, I visited my local Ashely store looking to purchase a new sofa and loveseat. The store didn’t have any loveseats without the console and I didn’t want a loveseat with a console that’s why I ordered the living room set on line.
    On August 3rd 2023 I purchased a sofa and loveseat on line invoice # 610A832748. I received the living room set on August 16th 2023 and by Saturday August 19th 2023 I knew I that needed to return this set or exchange the set for a different set. The sofa hurts my back due to lack of enough padding.
    On, August 19th I contacted the Ashley’s on-line chat trying to obtain information on how I could return or exchange this living room set.
    I have never ever experienced such poor customer. There is no customer service!!! What I have experienced is totally unacceptable. Rude, hung up on, no one was willing to help at all. Many of my emails were never responded too. The run around was totally ridiculous I don’t know how many different telephones I was given to call.
    When, you purchase furniture on line there should be a short time frame for you to sit on the furniture to confirm if the furniture is a good fit for your body.
    I have received no help with my situation. I’m asking for help with returning or exchanging this sofa and loveseat.
    Thank you for any help,
    Elizabeth Cook

  3. Carol Anderson

    I placed an order at the store. I was instructed to cancel my order if I found a better deal elsewhere. I did find a better deal elsewhere. I called the store back to cancel my order. I was told that they would note cancel my order. I informed the store that Illinois has a law that a contract can be cancel within 3 days. I tried to cancel my order within 2 hours to no avail. The next morning, I made over 20 calls to disconnected number or automation saying no calls could be taken prior to getting a human person I talked to. I spent over 2 hours on the phone trying to resolve this issue. I even called my credit union; which informed me that they could not do anything until the transaction was completed (after the store got paid–I tried to stop payment to no avail). I will not purchase anything from Ashley store again! Ashley store is an extremely unprofessional corporation, I use to work for a major corporation. This is how you lose customers,

  4. Debbie Richter

    After multiple promises of delivery and cancellations I have received only part of my order. We have talked to the store manager Brad at you store in Alparetta,ga. He and the staff make promises and there is no follow through.
    Today I got part of my order that was cancelled yesterday by phone from a place unknown an 800 number. We made our purchase the first week of December. I ordered two sofas from a competitor and had delivery in less than a week, They will get my business from now on. The piece missing is my Dining Room Table. The most important part of my order. I know even if I hear from you no progress will be made. I had to place a complaint in the chance that something can be done. Debbie Richter

  5. Nicole Pugliese

    I have been trying to reach someone in corporate to aid me in a situation I am having with a sectional couch I bought from Ashley. The fabric thread keeps splitting and opening into gashes. I have not even finished paying it off yet. I purchased the protection plan which is a complete and bogus lie. Every time I submit a claim they say it is not covered. I called for a replacement cushion cover and was told it would be $50. Seems unreasonable that I am already replacing and repairing a sofa that hasn’t even made it past my Ashley finance plan.
    The people I speak to seem as if they don’t want to be bothered to speak to me and rush me off the phone. We are not hard on our furniture and I had couches from Jennifers Convertible that lasted ten years before I saw any wear. Its a shame as when I moved I referred so many people that moved after me to you to furnish their homes. I feel like I should not be charged for the new cover and that I should get a credit for that ridiculous lie of a protection plan that I was told “covers anything”. It would speak volumes if Ashley stood. behind their product.

    1. Melanie G

      Nicole, we are having a very similar problem. We bought a couch, loveseat, and recliner in 11/2021. The couch cover spontaneously split when someone sat down. Since that time, we have had nothing but problems. We bought the extra protection plan and have had techs out. The rip occurred in Jan 2022 and the rip is still not fixed. GBS Enterprises were going to order a cover. I have been back and forth since January with Protectall. They said the parts were ordered when they were not. Then there was the supply chain issue. Finally got the cover, called to get a tech out. The tech never contacted us. Upon followup, then had cancelled the tech since they supposedly couldn’t get ahold of us. They never called my phone which was listed. Then, tech comes out to put cover on. Cover is significantly darker in color. We are still dealing with it. Trying to get corporate info to complain.

  6. Dr.Ouida Richard

    We purchased a recliner in July 2022 it is now August 23 2022. No chair. They change the delivery dates. When I check there is no record. I have been in the store snd have made several calls. They say the telephone number is wrong. How can this be. My husband is a retired Warrant Officer 4 100% disabled and he had much confidence in Ashley until now.

    1. Theresa McKenzie

      I ordered a furniture set online WITH a person in the store. He ordered wrong thing then he quite same day and now they will not honor fixing their mistake. Now their saying too bad and I have to keep furniture. Do u have any advice?


    in November i purchased a dinette set from my sale rep Tammy after signing my contract she tells me its backorder . she stated it would only be a few weeks , I’m thinking that’s fine I should have it before Christmas. Waiting for a call
    so I had to call them finally Tammy called me back to say it will be end of December. I called today and was told it will be the 2nd week in January by the manager so I explained to him that i did not want the set as I cant continue to wait , he stated I had to pay a 20% restocking fee. I feel as if they think I intentionally wanted this to happen then he said it was part of your contract, i really didn’t expect for any of this but i do feel the name Ashley Furniture should sale person and manager to be honest first instead of trying to make a sale . and regardless of contract he could have said i will look into it. he got defensive when I ask for his manager. bad experience all the way around Ashley F. has lost me as a customer.

    1. Douglas Desautels

      Yeah they did the same to me they won’t even give me a refund I’ve been stressing out for weeks. Terrible store do not buy from now

  8. Brad Bailey

    I purchased furniture on 6/20/21 and since then I have received 13 phones calls where they delay my shipping. I still do not have my furniture, however they continue to bill me for furniture I do not have. This is the most horrible service I have ever experienced. At what point should I need to get an attorney and sue them for contract compliance. They are ripping off customers and charging for items they can not deliver. I will be posting negative feedback on their social media site as well. 6 months now and still no furniture.

  9. Brenda Stevens

    I bought a sectional 3 weeks ago was told I would receive an email and text about delivery date . I received my text confirmation when and what time it would be delivered, WELL THEY NEVER SHOWED UP, after loosing 2 days pay. 🤬 Now it is showing up that I don’t have anything on order, After I moved all my old furniture out sitting on floor very disappointed and salesperson cannot tell me when or where my furniture is . This is not a good way to treat customers, I was told they have 3 of what I ordered in stock and 1 was mine REALLY I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND ASHLEY FURNITURE THEY DON’T PRACTICE GOOD BUSINESS


    purcahed couch an loveseat 2 weeks ago . notice that the dye comes off on your clothes innovations furniture wont return couch , cant find ashley company warrenty to help. BUYER BEWARE

  11. Amber E Rigby

    I order and PAID for furniture in cash a couple weeks ago. I was told that I would be scheduled for delivery. I waited until I received my confirmation email and took time off of work. I took three hours during the window i was given. The delivery drivers called and stated they were almost there. It was at the end of your delivery confirmation time but my disabled combat injured veteran husband was at home. He talked to the driver and stated he would wait outside so they could locate the residence. Your delivery truck never even came in the neighborhood and he was left waiting out side in the heat for 45 minutes. Its 94degrees today. He stood outside – there is no where to sit – he waited for 45 min then someone called and said the delivery was cancelled. I immediately called the office and they stated that it was an issue on their part and at this time the truck was back and unloaded. I make 40$ an hour and dealing with this ridiculousness as well as condescending supervisor who told me she was the absolute highest level of supervision in her department and could do nothing for me. So i paid money you took. Then your lazy delivery driver felt leaving my husband out in the elements and not showing up should be understood by me. I realize issues occur and stated it would be fine if we could be delivered to tomorrow. But good old May said that was not going to happen. I think its a sad day that I can pay in cash- not financed- and basically I have to be on hold because your company messed up. I am a supervisor in a 911 center. I cant just be like oh my couch didn’t come I am gonna stay home and wait again whenever is convenient for Ashley Furniture. I believe that a delivery to me tomorrow is not asking too much as your company took my money immediately and did not follow through on your end. This is terrible customer service when you made the mistake.

  12. Myriam Alvarez

    On July16, 2021 I purchase 2 chest on the Black Friday event after several weeks they told me that the items will be delivery until November or December, on August 2nd they offered me a different set of chests so they cancel the order and give me a piece of sales item with out any information the same day they store took another hundred dollars for the new items and so far they claim that the bank is holding the money my bank never received any refund as today but they paid another hundred dollars for the new purchase every time I had called they claim that the main office is the one keeping my money I had proofs from my bank that they don’t received any money but the pay to Ashley $300.00 dollars
    Attach you will find the copies of the paper they had giving me if you need copies of my banks

  13. Unknown

    I purchased furniture back in June. I was totally unaware that it would take 6 months for me to receive my furniture , this is unacceptable. I’ve reached out to customer service multiple times and each time I was given false information. One rep advised I’d receive my furniture Aug 4th then the second rep advised August 15th. I called today and they then told me October 22nd. Again I ordered my furniture in June under the impression I’d receive it within a few weeks now its turned in to 6 months. I have nowhere for my kids to eat. Please help me to get my furniture. You should sell people things but fail to mention it could take over 5 months to receive it. This is not right Please help me.


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