NetZero Message Center Support

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NetZero Message Center Help and Support for NetZero email, NetZero Message, NetZero Internet and How to Set up and Login. We have also listed the NetZero Customer Service Phone number, email and other important contact information for your help.

 NetZero Message Center Login and Registration Steps

If you are an existing customer of Netzero then you need to go to the link You can also type in your browser and after going to this site, please click on Go to Message Center and it will redirect to the StartNetZero webpage.

NetZero Message Center


Now after going to the page, please click on sign in button which at top right of the webpage. AFter this you will be redirected to Sign In Page.

Now Enter your NetZero Member ID and associated password in the appropriate field and give the Security code.  If you have forgotten your ID or Password then click on the Forgot ID or Password. Your ID will be the everything to right side of @ of your email address. If your have forgotten your password then give your Member ID and zip code.

If you are a new customer then you need to click on Sign up Page . Select the appropriate Plan and fill out all the details. There are many fields in the form but they are easy to fill. Some of the mandatory fields are Name, Personal information, email address, phone number, CAPTCHA validation etc. You can choose your preferred member ID which will be before . After choosing your member ID, you will get your new NetZero email. Now Please review the Terms of Service and Check your Billing Information. Make Sure everything is correct and then check mark “I accept the Terms of Services and Billing Authorization” and then click on continue. Now NetZero Registration is complete.

See also  GoToMeeting Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

NetZero Customer Service Phone Number :

NetZero has very good customer support and they have different phone number for various issues related to billing, support etc.

NetZero Internet Support Dial Up


For Billing and Account Related Issues : 1-866-841-1442

Cancellation of Service : 1-800-851-7908

NetZero Technical Support:

NetZero Internet Customer Service Phone Number : 1-877-912-5866

Norton AntiVirus or Norton Internet Security: 1-888-818-5673

Technical Support for people who uses Mac : 1-800-418-5866

Please note that if you are calling for a technical support the you will be charged $1.95 per minute

A charge of US $1.95 per minute will apply for technical support calls.

NetZero Mobile Broadband Support:

For Billing and Account Related Issues : : 1 800 939 8647

Cancellation of Service : 1 800 939 8647

NetZero Mobile Broadband Technical Support phone Number : 1-800-939-8647

NetZero DSL Broadband Support:

NetZero DSL Technical Support Phone Number : Please dial 1 866 810 8092 and select the option 3.

For Billing and Account Related Issues : Please dial 1 866 810 8092 and now select the option 2.

For Cancelling current service : Please dial 1 866 810 8092 and now select the option 4.

When to Call: Executives of NetZero Customer Service are available from 8 AM to 2 AM EST, they are available 7 days a week.

See also  Frontier Communications Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

Please note that when you call NetZero technical support number you will be charged and sometimes waiting time is very long which will make your phone bill more. So whenever possible it is advisable to use the NetZero Email Support Service to file complaint or raise issue.

NetZero Email Customer Service : Click Here 

Availability Timings : Executives of NetZero Customer Service are available from 8 AM to 2 AM EST, they are available 7 days a week. select the suitable service and send them the mail related to billing or support.

NetZero Mailing Address :

NetZero Inc.
PO BOX 7064, Woodland Hills
California, United States

About NetZero

NetZero is an American company which provides internet, email, mobile broadband and wireless internet services to its customers. It is headquarter in Los Angeles, CA, United States. It is very famous for its NetZero Message Center which free for all new accounts and also comes with paid services with many great perks. NetZero Message Center can be use to send or receive emails or can be integrated with third party services like windows mail or outlook etc.

We hope that above numbers will help you in contact NetZero for any issues. Do comment regarding your complaint or suggestion. Please keep visiting our site for any issues.

8 thoughts on “NetZero Message Center Support

  1. spag007

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    Allegedly I was finally connect to the manager. Who was understandable but equally useless. He advised that my card was flagged and would be flagged permanently due to the suspicious activity of me adding to my order with my own card. Imagine that. I asked if he could have my account unflagged. According to him it was not in his managerial capabilities to do so. Or he just didn’t want to be bothered who knows. I was advised billing handled the issue. My issue was I wanted a refund with in 24 hours not days due to their incompetence. There was no way I was going to pay with another card when I was already waiting on a refund on the same purchase. O r inconvenience, your convient service is supposed to provide..,/./kl;l

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  7. dssd

    her not to leave me on hold for 20 minutes only to come back and say one is not available. I explained to her I worked in corporate in the past and that tactic is taught to customer service reps. Needless to say I was put on a brief hold and advised the manager wasn’t available. No surprise there. I gave my phone number to the rep and waited a short period of time. Knowing that if the manager even got my message, I wouldn’t be receiving a call anytime soon, I called back. In hopes of getting a rep that I may understand better. The second reps accent was worse. I then asked to speak to a rep that speaks English. Allegedly I was finally connect to the manager. Who was understandable but equally useless. He advised that my card was flagged and would be flagged permanently due to the suspicious activity of me adding to my order with my own card. Imagine that. I asked if he could have my account unflagged. According to him it was not in his managerial capabilities to do so. Or he just didn’t want to be bothered who knows. I was advised billing handled the issue. My issue was I wanted a refund with in 24 hours not days due to their incompetence. There was no way I was going to pay with another card when I was already waiting on a refund on the same purchase. O r inconvenience, your convient service is supposed to provide.

  8. nia

    emails or can be integrated with third party services like windows mail or outlook etc.


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