Samsung Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Below you can find the Contact details of Samsung Corporate Office Address, Mailing and Postal Office address along with the contact information like the toll free phone number, Email, website details, fax number which will help you to contact Samsung. The Customer Service of Samsung is one of the best in its industry and they look after every customer concern and inquiry quickly and efficiently. Customer service is available normally during working hours and some emergency number are available 24*7. They can be contacted after the usual business hours via postal mail, email address, or calling the toll free number or contact the live person via help support chat. Many Customers are looking for the Samsung Corporate Office address or trying to search for customer service phone number of Samsung, Samsung toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number.

Are you searching for more information on various types of services and brands provided by Samsung such as Samsung Corporate office, toll free 24 hours phone number of Samsung Availability, Official working customer service number, Headquarters Office address of Samsung. Good news is that you can get all important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service executive and support center and they will help you in resolving your issue fast, quick and efficiently.

See also  Orion New Zealand Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

We have given here Samsung Phone Number, and using this number you will be able to contact Samsung corporate office and customer service support department. You will be able to reach a live person at Samsung Customer Care Support in the given below Samsung Contact phone number and will be able to get all the main points of Samsung services or able to get facilitate and acquire your concern correctly self-addressed by proper authorities.

Samsung Corporate Office Contact Information

You can find here Samsung mailing and postal address, corporate office address, customer service help number, corporate headquarters address of Samsung, Customer service support phone number, corporate office HQ Address.

Samsung Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-(201) 229-4000

The number given above may not be a toll free phone number and you may get charged while calling this number at the usual calling prices. This customer support number of Samsung is available on normal working hours and may be closed during some official holidays.

Samsung Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is that the listed official email address of Samsung. they supply the e-mail support 24 hours all day year along and that they typically reply inside 24 hours. typically, you may expect a delay back in response.

See also  Dell Headquarters Address, Phone Number and Email

Samsung Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official mailing/postal address, payment office, Headquarters and location address of Samsung. People can use this contact details to contact them and get their concern or query answered quickly.

Samsung Corporate Office Address: 85 Challenger Rd. Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 07660 United States

Samsung Corporate Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-(201) 229-4000

Samsung Corporate Office Fax Number Details: (201) 229-4029

Samsung Corporate Office Email Address: NA


Samsung Social Media Links:

Samsung Online Resources:

24 thoughts on “Samsung Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

  1. Prakash N

    It’s been since May 8, 2023 I have not received replacement dryer and range which was ordered on 4/27/23. Second range was order was ordered on May 20, 2023 and cancelled in May 2023 and received zero value of $1003.91. i was was sold junk dryer runs like helicopter both units were refurbished used or repaired it came open box.



    I file law suit in Federal court and serve it South Korea Samsung as well,
    Take notice if my dispute is not resolved and finalized by June 21, 2023 I will file law suit against Samsung.

  2. Gipson Esoe

    my Samsung Galaxy S8, American Version is stolen and i wish to asked from the company if they can help me locate the phone. the phone IMEI number has been change by the thief but i have struggle to get the new one they have created.
    i will be very happy if i can get a respond from the samsung high office

  3. Abner

    I purchased a new washer from Home Depot on Oct 16th. Home depot installed my washer on Otc27. The installer ran a cycle through the washer without any issues. My wife washed a load of clothes and again all was well. on Oct 2nd I went into my basement and discovered water leaking through the floor underneath the washer. I contacted Home depot and was told claims with appliances must be made within 48 hours after receiving the appliance. Home Depot sent the installed back to my home to confirm that the installation was done correctly and the installers reported that washers is defective. I contacted Samsung and I have been trying get someone to fix and/or replace washer ever since. I will never buy another SAMSUNG product. I have to hire an attorney and look to receive relief. Now I have to buy another washer after using washers machine just once . I WILL NOT BE A SAMSUNG

  4. Susan Schindler

    I purchased a Samsung Tablet S8 and, per the trade in offer, I sent in a tab A for a $200 refund/credit against the purchase price. I received the new tablet and sent the tab A shortly after. Samsung notified me it has received my trade in tablet and told me to expect a credit in 8 business days. It is now way past that time and requests for information about the current status have gone unanswered.  I keep getting told it is the “back office” that has to take care of this.  I have heard nothing and it is almost 3 weeks.  

    I’ve called 855 726 8721 and have gotten no help.   This is so disappointing.  I have owned many Samsung devices- cell phones, tablets and television, and have never experienced this kind of problem.

  5. Angel

    My broke two hours after delivered… Three week later they keep rerouting me through India and Santo Domingo. I get a lot of Ever since I purchased this refrigerator September 16 I been complaining about my defect with my refrigerator. The India-Outsource representative keep asking the same questions and they DO NOT FIX my refrigerator. NOW YOU FORCE ME TO DEMAND A 100% REFUND. I now understand that you are not listening to what I am asking for, So i will make it easy. I DEMAND A 100% REFUND NOW!!! And stop with the crap – NOW you thing I am dealing with AFRICA, or other countries…… Everytime I try to get incontact with SAMSUNG U.S.A headquarters I ALWAYS redirected to INDIA-Outsources. This email you sent me is a sham, an unprofessional attempt to redirect what I am requesting …… I live in the USA and I want a refund NOW…… I continue to get Samsung USA Headquarters and they keep rerouting me to INDIA. Stop with your fraudulent attempts …. PS THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEST BUY…. THIS IS AN ISSUE WITH SAMSUNG AND HOME DEPOT. STOP REROUTING THIS TO BESTS BUY… I will report the fact (and i got proof) that you are mischievously, dishonestly, illegal rerouting this complaint to “BESTBUY” — STOP IT! OR I WILL sue you, Samsung, and HOME DEPOT but NO results. I try to get the Samsung USA headquarters and I ALWAYS rerouted to India.

  6. Who Cares, certainly not Samsung!

    It is official, Samsung has STOLEN from me, they refuse to send me my product or my money. After spending weeks trying to get my situation resolved i have decided to redirect my attention to let as many people i know and come in contact with to STAY AWAY FROM SAMSUNG!

  7. Terry Williamson

    Samsung is a joke. You tell my fridge is repairable. Then you setup a service call for a certain day and no one ever shows up. Then I have to call Samsung back to find out the can’t get the part. I will never by a Samsung ever again. Your company and customer service is horrible. You want to reimburse me for the days of work I missed? You should read your other reviews. Get your act together.

  8. david woodget

    I purchased a BRAND NEW GAS STOVE – On day 1 my NEW STOVE OVEN did not work. Lowes said to bring it back. I said I paid 100.00 for someone to install it / am I supposed to pay another 100.00 for them to un install it? NOT! JUST COME AND FIX MY STOVE!!!!!!!! I am so tired of this!!!!!!

  9. Vernon McGrier

    I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G last month (May 2022) and today (Jun2022) it has a black vertical line inn the center where the phone opens and close also a horizontal line of light on the right panel of the opened screen. the keys on the right hand side will not work and this phone has not been dropped, cracked , and or abused. I went to the store of which I purchased the phone and they help me to get the phone to a walk in tech to validate the condition of the phone and repair status. i was told that the parts for this phone was in back order all over and no one knows when the parts will be available.

    We then called Samsung because the phone is still under warranty and it is insured. they required me to send my phone to them with all of my information on it without a loaner or the advised to get an phone pay an activation fee and then another when my phone returns when ever that will be, remember parts are on back order. to get a loaner from AT&T it would cost 275.00 plus activation fee, mid you this phone is still under warranty. while trying to talk to someone about this hole situation we spent almost 5 hours most of it was being on hold waiting for supervisors either to get off lunch break or trying login on there computer in order to talk to us. We started this escapade at 6:00PM and finished unsatisfied at 11: 00 PM and that’s because the supervisor discounted the line. The customer service was terrible the supervisors were rude and no one understood that the Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G cost too much for something like that to happen without no consideration of your purchase. i got the phone because i figured it would be a sound phone with no bugs and if it did have some the company would be ready to make good for it, after all it is a high end phone. this is almost like an automobile you have just purchased with insurance and a warranty the car goes down less than 30 days you expect to be able to go back to the dealer to get it fixed free of charge and provide a loaner or a way for you to get around especially if it is a brand new top line car . This is the Fold 3 5G and I was treated like I brought a Pinto. this was a awful experience for me and wife who talked to people because I am a 20 year Vet. and I am hearing unpaired due to service.

    I refuse to endorse Samsung products any longer. I will tell anyone that will listen about the Customer Service we received at the hand of Samsung Neighbors, friend ,family, and my brothers and sister Veterans.

  10. Tarek Ataya

    I bought a cell phone Samsung A52 seven months ago and the phone has stopped suddenly after 5 months and a half it wasn’t reading the sim card, i have been told that it’s due to mechanical shock at service center and they obliged me to pay around 90 dollars to change the display as it was a little bit crashed at the corner to be able to benefit of guaranty. later on and after one month (30 days fix) the has stopped again for the same issue and once i asked to replace the phone as it seems it a has a manufacturer defect they refused and all that they can do is to fix again.
    it seems I’m going to fix that phone every month.

    you guys has the worst customer service i ever seen, they need a week to fix a phone and you keep clients many days to get their phones back without providing any replacement.
    Samsung was on top of my list for phones, TVs and some other electrical equipment but from now on i would never buy any of Samsung product just because you do not show any respect for your clients.

    1. Shari B

      I feel your pain. I have a 2016 fridge. Apparently with built in obsolescence so hey get a new one every 3 years. Since last April I have had to call FOUR times for repairs. TWICE for this issue. They won’t fix it gratis unless it was a 2018 model. Like I woukd ever buy another one of their appliances. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER.

  11. M. Mansoori

    Dear Sir,
    For many years I only use Samsung mobile phones. Recently, I bought Samsung A33 5G.
    I was disappointed to find out that the facility, (always on), what I mean to show time and date when screen is
    on Off mode is not available as per agent in Bahrain. The older versions all they have this facility; any new equipment should be better and have
    more facilities than the older versions. In this case, it is the opposite!
    Appreciate if your software division look into this matter and advise me of solution accordingly.
    Thank you and best regards.

  12. Navlette Robinson

    I bought a cell phone in the samsung store. Unfortunately after 5 days it was blocked and refused to turn off. I went explain my situation but the gentleman was not understanding and was rude. He too the phone and told me to come back in 6 days. I went back he was worst I told him I had 15 days to return or exchange which I wanted a exchange he refused I told him I am not leaving here without a because I am traveling he gave me a used phone. Which I don’t think is correct. He don’t know how to treat customer. It a new phone I purchased which I bring back after 5 days. NO GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE FROM SAMSUNG SO DISAPPOINTED

  13. Joanne malenchak

    I ordered a appliance package in September. It was supposed to be delivered nov 12th well on nov 2nd Samsung called and said the range was out of stock and didn’t know when it would be in would I like to upgrade I said yes they said someone would call me within 48 to 72 hours to set up delivery. I called them after not hearing from them they said they were waiting on the upgrade approval .I told them I already approved it they said was not in the computer they will put it through now to wait 48 to 72 hours for it to process well this happened 2 more times finally they said my appliances were being delivered on nov 13 I thought great i called home depot to make sure they called Samsung and told me my refrigerator is on backorder until February. Called Samsung and tried to speak to a supervisor and was told that my problem didn’t warrant speaking to a supervisor. This company is a joke such a high tech company with no idea what they are doing. I think I should cancel the order unless someone calls me with a solution (haha)


    I received a refund approval back on August 13th for a dryer that I purchased that broke after 6 months of use!!!!

    I went through the steps of everything on Citi Bank, selected “Pay Pal” as the method of payment and I’ve still yet to receive my refund. It has been since August 13th!!!!! Please see the attached proof.

    I have tried working with the foreign call center team, but all they do is put in tickets and nothing ever gets solved. Each time I call, I’m also put on hold for 10-15 minutes at a time. The last two times I’ve called they told me that the tickets were canceled and I still don’t have my money!!!!!

    I’m tired of trying to work with the call center, they are totally incompetent and all they ever do is say “thank you” or “I’m sorry”….it’s like drones reading from a script.

    I need a competent individual to fix this issue for me. I will not allow you people to not pay what you owe me. I’ll keep calling / e-mailing until this issue is resolved and I have my money.

    The way this operation is run, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!

    Lastly, I was able to get in touch with someone at the Corporate Office after 20 phone calls and they decided to just hang up on me.

    1. Angel Cruz

      My broke two hours after delivered… Three week later they keep rerouting me through India and Santo Domingo. I get a lot of appologies but NO results. I try to get the Samsung USA headquarters and I ALWAYS rerouted to India.

  15. Tabb Watt

    Re: UN32N5300AFXZA
    Ticket #4160506396
    We had an issue with the sound becoming distorted. Per the warranty department we sent the TV to the service department June 7, 2021. After repairs were made they returned the TV. The problem still exist. I was told to contact a service technician that would come to my home. On or about July 13th he determined that a chip and speakers would need to be replaced. He said these parts were not available. He said Samsung would contact me about a replacement. Per instructions of the exchange department, I returned the TV to Samsung on August 2nd. Phone calls to Case Mgt. on August 16th, 23rd and 25th all said Under Review. On August 30th I was told all was approved and it would take 7 days to get the replacement and another 4 days to ship to me. We would be looking at 11 business days.
    On September 13th I am told that there is not inventory available to replace this unit. Supervisor in Case Mgt. is requesting to review this case and determine if a TV is going to be available or a refund. It has been 2 months thru this process…… way too long….


    Attn: Samsung Corp.
    Ref: Case # 4160579948
    Refregerator Model #RF28T5001WW
    Serial # OB5YeBBN900248H

    This Refreggerator was purchased at Home Depot on October 7th, 2020 in the amount of $1998.38 w/tax. We also purchased an extended warranty for 5 years cost $229.56. We went away for 5 weeks to visit our families which we have not seen almost 2 years do to covid19. We left on June 21st 2021 and arrived back home o July 23rd 2021. We open the front door to our home to PUDRID ROTTEN DEAD CORSPE SMEEL due to the malfunction of this unit. The shoe house smell ROTTEN from spoiled food from the freezer. We had to throw out the entire contents of Refrgerator and freezer. I spoke with a representative from Samsung on July 23nd and they referred us to Asurion (ubreakifix) that is the sub contract with Samsung . It is now 2 weeks later and we are still living out of a cooler. I feel we are getting the run around from Samsung on this matter. I have had 3 technicians here in the last 2 weeks. They changed the mother computer board and 2 sensors and the seals around the doors and this has still not get rid of PUDRID LOTTEN ODOR inside the unit. Next up is the compreesor which won’t be changed until Auguest 16th as this is the first open date. I have tried to explain to the Samsung Reps that I am 75 years old with two bad shoulders and arthritis of the lower back that I can’t live out of a cooler any more. The two Reps. are Refeal and Kelvin. Kelvin said to go back to Home Depot to resolve the problem. I told him the problem is Samsung not the Home Depot as they are the seller not Manufacturor!!! The 3 Techs. that came to the house they all gagged and their eyes start to tear from the LOTTEN fumes, they had to go outside to breath a fresh air. The only way to properly take care this matter. I wish to have Representative from Samsung come to my home because I will not put any foods into this PUTRID LOTTEN DEAD COUPSE SMELL in this Samsung Refregarator. NOTE: I scrubs 3 times inside and first Tech. took inside apart I clean with Clorox, Mr. Clean, Lysol, and Vinegar. Also deoderize with charcoal, baking soda, and purchased from Amazon it call Smelleze to remove the smell of the dead coupse!!!!

  17. Gaines Salvant

    I am on my second appliance with a defect of one that could not be repaired and had to be replaced after having for 2 years (Samsung Dryer w/ drying sensor) that failed. It was replaced by the Lowes warranty system after going back and forth with them for four months. Now I have Samsung stove/range that was purchased in 11/14/2020 and have had issues with the stove’s power board would freeze up and only worked if you went to the breaker box and reset breaker(breaker was never tripped). This has happened once of month since the month it was installed. Two weeks ago the word “Test” comes across the stove display center and it does not operate AGAIN!!!! I go to breaker box and reset breaker. One week later it does the same thing and now stove will not work at all. I am beginning to think that Samsung products are not what the company say’s that they are. I also put an extended warranty on my ENTIRE kitchen appliance set (Fridge, range, microwave over range, and dishwasher). Since they were only purchased 6 months ago, I had to go through Samsung warranty department and it has been not so easy. I just need to get a response from cooperate to see if this is how they plan on going forward with business and product line so I can make a sound decision on Samsung products.

  18. Travis Rogers

    I bought a TV as a gift for my mother-in-law from Best Buy. She notified me that the actual black display screen had fell out of the TV. I had a bought a protection plan from BB but since the TV was still under Samsung warranty I had to go through them. Worst experience ever. Keep in my I live in NV and the TV is in GA. I was told the TV could get repaired. Day of the scheduled repairs no one show and i get a text saying i could get a refund for the TV because parts were not available. I asked for an exchange instead and was told that was not possible because non were available through Samsung case management. I brought up the fact that the same exact tv was available on Samsung.con and BB and was told it had to come case management stock. Then later through speaking to another representative I was informed that because i bought it through BB, the exchange could be done through BB! This has been an on going process for 3 weeks. Everytime I talk to anyone on the Samsung Case management team it has been a different story or scenario and they ask for information, ie pictures, receipts, address that has been given multiple times. I’ve reached out to Corporate with no response. By far the worst customer service I’ve ever encountered. I have thoroughly enjoyed Samsung products but with the customer service behind them, they won’t be receiving my money anytime soon.

  19. Josh

    Purchased a 75” Series 9 TV in November of 2020. It now has a thin black line across the screen. Samsung does not have a service center in my area so they gave me store credit. Only one problem, I bought the tv during a sale so the credit won’t even cover the replacement of the same exact tv, not to mention it’s sold out. So if I want a functioning tv it’ll cost me another $300 to replace my less than 6 month old tv. Guess it doesn’t pay to be smart and buy a tv on sale.

    Absolutely horrible business practice. And nothing but refusals when asked to be transferred to higher ups.

    1. dwhitehead

      Exactly the same here! Samsung “service center” the in DC area are two guys in a truck. Very capable repairmen but their work restricted to what Samsung tells them they can do. Rather than replace the TV under warranty, they were directed to replace TV guts but problem still persisted (common Samsung solarization in shadows), so they told me it was the cable box. Swapped that out – same. Then, it’s the cable – swapped, ditto.

      Endured an eternity on the phone with Samsung and their demand for the serial number, something I’m sure they have ten times over but, with a struggle, I got the number.

      OK, with that, she offered a “courtesy” credit at Samsung. Same here – it was purchased as a gift at Costco, certainly less than the full retail Samsung charges. But first, I have to take a picture of the serial number to prove I’m telling the truth. Then, Samsung will send someone to pick up the TV, that must be completely ready for pickup, then Samsung will call me to let me know what they’ll do.

      This is a Samsung warranty???

      Off to the FTC to see if there’s any recourse.


  20. Steven Nist

    I recently talked to someone at corporate office about my a20 galaxy cell phone that had been at the repair center in Texas for almost a month. They emailed me and said that they had to send out for the part but it would be in 5 to 7 days.That was almost a month ago and the part is still not in.I cancelled the service and told them to send me back my phone.The next day I received a call from customer care saying that they would make it right by either giving me a check for the phone which was only 1 year and 2 months old or apply the money to a new phone.She tried to check the value of my use phone but she said the app was down and that she would have to call me back with the amount. I never received a call back. My ticket # is 4158614811. Could somebody PLEASE help me with this. Been without my phone for a month!!!


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