Sears Corporate Office Address And Phone Contact Details

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Providing here all important information like phone number, address ,contact details and other necessary details about all Sears Corporate Office Headquarters. Do you have any inquiries, complaints, applying for a job, submitting a review or suggestion then please reach them via the details given below.

Sears Holdings Corporation is an American holding company headquartered in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, and New York City. It was formed in 2005 as the result of the merger between Kmart Holding Corporation, a retail company and Sears, Roebuck and Company, a mail order and retail company. The company owns and operates department stores and several other retail businesses through its subsidiaries.

The Sears Corporate Office is located in the Chicago area, and it’s where a number of different companies are headquartered. The biggest company, of course, is the Sears retail business. It’s called Sears Holdings Corporation these days, and it sells all kinds of products through retail stores and websites. They also offer jobs on their website, so if you’re looking for a career or just a new job, check them out!

Sears Corporate Office Address

Sears Corporate Office Address

Please find details for the Sears corporate office below. We believe in staying accurate, but if you notice any inaccuracies, feel free to let us know.

Sears Holdings Corporation
3333 Beverly Road 
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 
(847) 286-2500



Sears Corporate Phone Number

For those of you who are seeking to call the Sears Telephones, the best thing to do is dial the Sears Contact Phone Number. You can get in touch with a customer service representative. Call today and get answers to all your questions about any matter.

Customer Service Phone Number: (847) 286-2500

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Sears customer service is available 24/7 and will work to help you with any issues that you may have on the site or when calling in. They are always ready to listen and to help with whatever problem you might have, no matter how big or small so that your shopping experience can be all that you want it to be.

Sears Twitter Support

Sears has been around for a long time. It’s that one store that sold everything from housewares to clothing. However, it was struggling because of efforts to compete against the big box locations that were popping up. In order to make the brand relevant again, Sears decided to take their Twitter support and create a social media campaign called @sears_social that would help customers in need. The response was remarkable, and soon the account had thousands of followers.

For many customers, finding the Sears Headquarters address or the Sears phone number is of great importance. Some may want to contact the company and ask about their products, services or ask for help regarding returns. Others may need to find the contact information of a specific department in the company.

Sears Headquarters number, contact details, and online support are available for you at one place, because we are here to give you the most suitable solution to your problem. Here, you can easily find out all important details regarding Sears corporate office head office location address. If you want to contact any specific department of the company then look below just a few details will help you in contacting that department without going anywhere.

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Sears’ customer support team is available to help you with any questions you have. Just call the number below, and a friendly member of the support staff will be happy to assist you with any issues you may be having.

Sears Corporate Complaints

Sears Corporate Complaints has made it easy for anyone to submit a complaint about Sears, talk to Sears customer service and get it solved.

When you’re unhappy with your purchase — whether it’s a wrong size, damaged merchandise, or a just a mistake — it can be difficult to reach out to stores and brands for a solution. For example, department stores are notorious for having poor customer service when it comes to problems that occur after you leave the store. Making a complaint may involve getting on hold for over an hour and speaking with rude representatives.

Sears Human Resources

Sears’ human resources are some of the best in the entire industry, with a 14.5% increase in employee retention rates during the last fiscal year. The company’s commitment to supporting employees, who are its most valuable asset, is also reflected in the fact that it offers many career advancement opportunities at all levels of seniority — and fosters an environment of openness and trust for those who want to take advantage of them.

American retail giant Sears boasts a robust and unique corporate culture. The retailer is committed to the development and engagement of its corporate employees, offering a wide array of internal opportunities and benefits, from management training programs all the way to an in-office daycare.

7 thoughts on “Sears Corporate Office Address And Phone Contact Details

  1. feniks

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  3. james tarte

    where is the sears store that handles on-line purchasing? I live in Saco, Maine.

  4. James A. Greathouse

    I am former employee looking to contaaact aother former employee.
    In the early 1960’s I worket in Div. 98 in Little Rock, AR. The store mgr. was Jack Hawkins..
    My name is James Greathouse I hada friend William “Bill” Butler who worked in Div.92 as a outboard mechanic..

    I travele through a number states after leaving SEARS and now would like your help in locating Mr. Butler.
    With cell phones there is no way to locate anyone..
    PLEASE forward my name and phone to Mr. Butler if possible and have him call me. (870) 495-2862
    Thanks in advance,
    James A. Greathouse

  5. j4k5005

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  6. pporopat

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  7. Edmundo Castaneda

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